Reborn: Evolving From Nothing

Chapter 172 Improvemen

A number of black orbs formed in the air, hovering above Dorian\'s shoulders and arms. Each orb immediately began to absorb energy from the environment, crackling with power.

In just a few seconds, Dorian managed to charge up 7 Hyperion Beams, each one causing the air around it to fluctuate with energy.

As he tried to charge the 8th Hyperion Beam, pain washed through his soul as the strain accumulated. The difficulty in maintaining so many iterations of the same Ability at once, even with his Balance Demon form and various other powers assisting him, proved too much.

\'Still, I can make 7 Hyperion Beams at once?! That\'s a huge improvement!\' The training he had put into using the same Ability multiple times had originally only let him use a few at once. Now with the support of two separate soul enhancing Laws, the Law of Charity and the Law of Greed, Dorian could handle the simultaneous activation of the Ability 7 times.

His Hyperion Beam Ability was one he paid close attention to. The Ability itself wasn\'t very well known. Only the obscure Solar Rock Lizard had it, and even at that beast\'s strongest, it usually never crossed into Lord Class.

Dorian\'s use of it, however, took it to a new level. The power of his Hyperion Beams increased in strength alongside the force of his soul. The Ability focused on rapidly condensing energy and charging it into a beam attack. The stronger his soul was, the more energy he could condense at a faster rate.

At the present, a single one of Dorian\'s current Hyperion Beams, when infused with the power of both of his attacking Laws, could directly obliterate most Lord Class foes. Exceptions like the abnormally strong Vice Head of the Diamond Department aside, no Lord Class enemy would survive a single hit unless they had some sort of protective Artifact or Spell active, even Wizards with innate barriers.

When Dorian fired multiple Hyperion Beams at once… the attack power grew to a fearsome degree. 7 Hyperion Beams fired in a concentrated pattern was enough to seriously threaten King Class enemies. It wasn\'t just an attack that could be shrugged off and ignored.

And, as Dorian\'s soul grew stronger, his Hyperion beams would only grow stronger.

His eyes stayed on the annoying turkey, glaring at the pest cooly.


Immediately, 7 lasers shot off into the distance, rippling with energy and power.



The beams of light melted through the air as they crossed the distance between the Warping Turkey and Dorian in an instant.

At the very last moment, just as the turkey was about to become vanquished, however, its body seemed to shiver. Dorian didn\'t know whether it was dumb luck or base instincts, but the moment his powerful combined attack was about to pierce through it, the Warping Turkey teleported away, leaving behind a loud, echoing \'squawk.\'

Dorian grinned ruefully as he saw this.

\'I managed to kill one of them on accident while coming out here, acquiring its Bloodline…\' He had been jumping around at a fast speed as he left the city, maintaining his Shade form for as long as possible just in case. He didn\'t think anyone was spying on him, but he had figured he\'d rather be safe than sorry and take extra precautions.

Mid-travel, however, he had accidentally landed on one of the annoying Warping Turkeys, killing it instantly. He had literally squashed it to death under his foot.

\'But when I go for them on purpose…\' He shook his head. No wonder the creatures were considered a public nuisance to be hunted on sight. They were like cockroaches with their innate survival instincts.


A few explosions rang out as his Hyperion Beams landed, forming several craters in the ground and blowing up a number of trees. Dorian winced slightly as he saw this, remembering all the trees he\'d blown up in earlier practicing sessions.

\'I really should practice in an area where there\'s only stone or grass. No need to kill any innocent creatures or break so many trees.\' His mindset had matured greatly from the times when he had been a stray Red Salamander killing other beasts for survival.

\'Low level creatures are extraordinarily unlikely to help me develop my strength, even if they have some ancient Master or Grandmaster Class Bloodline remnants in them. As for Lord or King Class remnants, the chance of that should be near impossible, even with my luck.\' He sighed, shaking his head.

\'Even that Warping Turkey I found had nothing useful apart from its main Bloodline. Still, maybe I should sweep through the city before I go and see if I can find any Blood Magic stores or shops of that variety.\' He made a mental note to go shopping before they left the city they were resting in. Who knows, maybe his luck as an Anomaly would come in and he\'d find something useful.

\'Shade form, revert!\' His body morphed back into his familiar Shade body as he turned around, retreating back towards the city. With the Baptism over and his new strength tested, he no longer had much of a reason to wait out here.

\'I\'ll return back and meditate on the new Law, training it a bit before we depart for Moria. I should also prepare for my understanding in the Law of Wrath to break through to the Middle of Lord Class.\' His body blurred as he began to run off, his determination unwavering.

He paused for a brief moment just before he left, looking back at the slightly damaged forest. His new plan to not kill any more trees with his training reminded him of one of Helena\'s close friends, a Vampire that was obsessed with saving the environment.

\'I wonder how that duo we met are doing?\'

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"Hehe, my genius knows no bounds. Look at this! Isn\'t this amazing!?"

"It\'s a tree."

"\'It\'s a tree?!\' Probus, this is the famous WORLD Tree! A tree so grand that even Chaotic Space can\'t hold it down! The grandest tree in all existence! Think of all the ecosystems that exist on it! It must be a veritable fount of unique life!"

"It\'s still just a tree."

Two bickering voices could be heard as two Vampires looked out from the exitway of a World Bridge, staring at a gargantuan tree that dominated their vision. This tree was so massive it covered the horizon, with huge towering roots spreading off it in all directions, while its branches shot off into the sky, forcing back Chaotic Space itself.

Probus sighed, glancing over at his good friend Trajan. The Vampire Swordmaster had both of his arms now, each one in perfect working order. He wore a set of black leather armor, with his sword in its customary spot on his back.

"We\'re in hostile territory deep within the Graal Alliance. We have ignored orders from the Headquarters and have most likely been branded deserters to the Aurelius Family, a punishment worthy of death at worst. We no longer have a home and every Vampire we know is more likely to try and kill or capture us than greet us as friends."

His voice was rather deadpan as he spoke, not betraying any emotion.

"Well, at least it\'s a cool tree." Trajan waved his hands lamely, turning to glare at his comrade. He was dressed in a set of travel-stained leather hides, with a small wand tucked into his belt. He no longer had the air of a graceful Vampire elite from the Aurelius Family, but came off much more scruffy and informal.

"Besides, what is done is done. We\'ve talked this over before Probus. You are welcome to return without me to the Aurelius Family. I am done being used by them." Trajan continued, shaking his head.

Probus merely sighed, turning to look back at the tree. He studied it for a few moments, his eyes regaining some of his usual cheer. Trajan turned to look at the tree with him, his eyes shining.

"You know, Trajan…" He began, his hand slowly creeping towards the hilt of the sword on his back.


"I know we\'re supposed to greet the monkey that Mello said was currently living on this tree…"

"Yes?" Trajan repeated himself, turning to look at Probus curiously.

"But I was wondering… I\'ve recently reached the absolute peak of Lord Class in my Law of Cutting…" Probus continued, his eyes flashing,

"Do you think I could chop it in half?" The Vampire Swordmaster rested his hand upon the hilt of his sword, a powerful Aura bursting forth around him as he looked at the massive tree.





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Hallow folded his hands together, a look of irritation crossing his face as he looked down at the letter he had just finished compiling.

"Damn it, Fifteen. Why haven\'t you sent back a proper report?" He vented his frustrations to the air as he glared at the paper.

Every lead he\'d pursued so far had failed to pan out. Every trace of demonic energy thus far had ended up being linked to either ancient Artifacts, most of them discovered to be broken upon recovery, or low level figures using tools or powers they gained from various Demonic Inheritances.

The traces of the Law of Wrath user had yet to be found.

Hallow was down to the last few possible sources, ones he already had his men investigating. Duke Orbit\'s men had already finished their search and moved on, no longer able to help contribute. The Duke was unwilling to draw any attention to himself by extending the search for something he couldn\'t explain, leaving Hallow shorthanded in his efforts.

Despite that, it was only a matter of time before the last few sites were fully vetted and checked over. There was a collection of new warriors that had recently founded a Mystic Martial Artist school on the planet of Plantera, the incident near the place where the new Great Hero Lord Inigo had appeared, and a new crater that had formed on the World Bridge to Eiron.

All three situations had traces of demonic power associated with them and were currently being investigated.

\'That new Mystic Martial Artist school is already being checked over, as is the crater that formed on the World Bridge.\' Hallow mentally marked off, his eyes glinting.

\'All that is left is the incident that appeared near where Lord Inigo had appeared.\' Gradually, Hallow was becoming more and more convinced that this Lord Inigo was a fraud and the Law of Wrath user they were looking for.

\'But his results were still \'Neutral\' when the Church of Light checked him… Does he really have a way to avoid being found out, like Duke Orbit?\' Hallow rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache coming on.

\'Dammit, Fifteen! Why haven\'t you reported anything at all?!\' He cursed again, swearing at the unreliable new member to the Council.

\'Just in case… I better start taking precautions of my own. If that Lord Inigo truly is a genius mastermind that is manipulating everything and hiding in plain sight, I can\'t let myself or the Council get caught unaware… Especially not now, when the Great Destroyer has returned to the 30,000 Worlds.\' He turned his attention to the letter that was laid out on the desk before him. He picked up a quill from the side, beginning to write a report.

\'The Demon Council must be fully prepared to handle him and whatever vile plans he is hatching.\' Partly because of how convinced Hallow was that Inigo was a genius demon, Hallow had mentally relegated him to an extremely dangerous and powerful enemy.

\'If he can be recruited to our side, then great. If not…\' Hallow nodded sharply, his blue eyes flashing,

\'I will destroy this evil villain myself.\' The powerful member of the Council of Demons and master of the Law of Envy righteously declared, the air around him trembling as a powerful King Class Aura burst forth.

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♪"Praise the Great Hero Lord Inigo!"♪

♪"He has come to vanquish the Demons!"♪

♪"Evil will always fall before him!"♪

♪"For on his path, he shall succeed!"♪

Dorian smiled and waved as he heard the crowd cheering, internally groaning as he listened to the song. Next to him, Helena was being carried in a small palanquin built specially for her. The troop of warriors that had joined his army, including several new arrivals, moved behind him, guarding over him and the palanquin as if their lives depended on it.

The three Captains of his army walked right by his side, standing tall and proud. All of the warriors listened in to the chants, their eyes full of glory and courage.

\'This must be the 367th time I\'ve heard this exact same chant. Don\'t they know anything else?!\' He kept the thought to himself as he walked towards the Flying Ship that was resting at a specially designed dock for Flying Ships, situated near the walls of the city.

It was mid-afternoon, the middle of the next day. After he returned to the city, he had settled in the room Helena was sleeping in, sitting down to meditate. The fact that he didn\'t need to sleep as an Anomaly with an excess of Growth Points was a huge boon, meaning his time could be spent with full devotion to increase his understanding of the Laws.

After meditating through the night, he had gone on a small shopping spree. There were no Blood Magic shops in the city, which made sense to him after a bit of thought. Blood Magic wasn\'t exactly a popular school of magic among the Shade populace. He did manage to stock up on supplies, however, as well as grab a few things he thought might come in handy in the future.

After he finished shopping, the ruler of this city, a local governor appointed by the Kingdom of Dain that ruled over this part of Shaptle, had come out to greet him. The governor had made a big procession out of it, making everything very public. Dorian wasn\'t even sure how he had known he was in the city, assuming some of the warriors must have talked.

One thing led to another, and now there were carolers singing his praises as he left the city.

As he reached the boarding zone and went aboard the Flying Ship, he turned to face the crowd, a Valorous Aura gathering about him as he bellowed.

"Never fear, good citizens, for Lord Inigo is here! Thank you all for your kind words!" He gave a stately bow, his bearing graceful and wise. He perfectly acted the part of the Shade hero, playing into the expectations everyone had for him.


"Lord Inigo, so cool!"

"Marry me!"

"Oi, he\'s already married, wench!"

Dorian ignored the screams and cheers as he turned about, walking directly up the ramp to the deck of the Flying Ship. Behind him, the rest of the Shades piled in, including the ones carefully carrying the sleeping Helena.

\'Alright. Time to go check out that Superior Auction and see if it will have anything that can help Helena.\' He clenched his fists.

\'Just a little more time, Smalls, and you\'ll be healed, and then we\'re outta here!\' He smiled slightly,

\'I\'m already here on planet. What could go wrong?\' He thought, nodding his head and feeling confident.

After a moment, though, he knocked himself on the forehead.

\'Dammit, I take that back! No, don\'t jinx me! Fate! I take it back!\'

He ignored the strange looks he was receiving from the Shades around him as he mentally grumbled at himself, an uneasy feeling filling his stomach.


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