Corrupt Creations

Chapter 15 - Miscalculation

Then, he prepared to reach out for her. His senses spreading out and confirming no one was observing. He let his darkness element flow out, slowly channeling his skill so that it would release no fluctuations.

Meanwhile, Meiyi was getting closer to her new house, observing her neighborhood. Houses for new inner court disciples were actually really spacious and nice. Most of them were painted white or light red. There were two floors, many windows on both of them, the door was entirely made of wood and there were some magic formations attached to them.

There was a private backyard for each house she passed through, and it was actually impossible to see what was happening there. Meiyi could faintly feel the profound formation covering those backyards. The sect seemed to value privacy.

Unfortunately, when she was still on her way to her new home, some female disciples recognized her as she was one of the new stars that people were commenting on.

"Whoa! Are you one of the new disciples that entered the inner court? You\'re so pretty!"

"Are you that new girl? Chun Meiyi?" A group of female disciples approached and started surrounding their target as if they encountered their idol or the most respected of all of their seniors.

Shy as she was, Meiyi couldn\'t deny their approach and got locked in a long conversation. Those disciples were sticking to her like moth to a flame.

Seth finally finished his calculations. He would be using his shadow walk, the same that hides him in the dark, with one difference though. His shadow walk skill when activated, would blend his aura and body with nearby shadows, bending the light and fusing his aura with the ambient, achieving a partial stealth.

But there was a deeper level on this technique. After taking a deeper breath and checking Meiyi signals, Seth circulated his Shadow Demon bloodline into the technique and he could feel the dark element all around. Directing his body and will to his destination, he disappeared, sinking inside his own shadow.


His shadow, as fast as lightning, passed through everything and anything on its way, leaving no traces behind. His speed was way faster than before, the guards protecting the entrance didn\'t even notice any difference them he passed by them.

Seth arrived at the backyard of the house Chun Meiyi was nearby. Emerging from his own shadow, he was expecting to impress Meiyi when she entered the house. But not even a single second after he executed his skill he froze on his feet.

From his calculations, he would be right inside the backyard of her house. He had previously ascertained that the formation wouldn\'t be able to stop him, so he chose that area to appear.



Right in front of him, there was a disciple sitting on the floor. She had a long black hair tied in a pony tail, fair skin and red vivid lips. Her breath was so mild that it seemed she was actually sleeping. She was a beauty. Her body was slim and a mature aura was taking shape already around her. The only problem was that she was not Meiyi!

Seth even lost his ability to move, if he got discovered at this time, his disguise would be blown off and his plans would crumble. He could already feel how terrible would be his life being labeled as a pervert. But luckily, her eyes were closed in meditation, she didn\'t see him at all!

After recovering from his shock, his soul came back from the trip it took to the heaven or the underworld and he stood there without making any unnecessary sound.

Checking this backyard, he discovered that there were many burnt places and looking closer he found out that in the girl robes there were burnt mark too.

"Those robes are enhanced to resist fire. What kind of flames could damage it? Wow, they seem to be core disciples robes too. What is a core disciple doing here?" Lexi thoughts, were the same as Seth\'s.

"To burn even her own clothes means that she lost control over her own flames, hence she was probably playing with a dangerous flame." Lexi was already analyzing her aura.

Seth took the opportunity that god gave him and started retreating. One step at a time, he approached the border of the profound formation that isolated sound and concealed what happened inside. This kind of formation could not stop one from entering or leaving, but it could prevent sound and sight, giving privacy for training and many other activities.

When he was about to leave, he felt that the weather was getting hotter and the heat rose so fast that even his sweat started to evaporate.

"Arghh!" A short and painful cry resounded behind him.

Seth turned around and stared at the girl that was currently trembling try to suppress something, her eyelids shutting even tighter than before.

The girl yelled while tyrannical flames started to burn her robes. Some seconds later a trail of blood started to leave through her lips. The fire started to consume every single thing around it, it was spreading really fast as if it was furious.

Seth countenance turned grave.

"She is losing control. At this rate she is going to explode and even Meiyi that is outside is going to get caught on the explosion."

He could ignore the threat this explosion posed to every single person around here, but he would not let anything happen to Chun Meiyi.

"I\'ll have to risk it." Seth gritted his teeth and went forward. While he was getting closer, the tyrannical fire started to burn his robes so fast that it seemed that it was evaporating. But even so, not a single burn mark was on his skin.

Every single bit of Qi inside the girl was circulating, trying to control the raging ocean of fire. But it was futile. It seemed she was trying to put out a fire using a water toy gun. She was already giving hundred and twenty percent of her all trying to resist the ordeal, the mental stress she was suffering was such that one wrong breath and she would faint.

"Is this how I die?" The girl said in dismal, her strength leaving her body.

When she was about to give up, a hand touched the middle of her chest, relieving a lot of the pressure that she was drowning in.. Her eyelids fiercely trembled and she finally opened her eyes.

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