My Multisystem In Isekai

Chapter 21 Arrogant Girl

Valarie couldn\'t suppress the smile that was gaining momentum on her face. She absolutely adored students who could take the initiative.

"Very well Dahila. Make Class F proud!"

Someone cheered on from behind;

"Yeah Dahila! Make us proud!"

Then suddenly, like a wave, the whole class began to cheer her on.

"Dahila! Dahila!! Dahila!!!"

The young prodigy didn\'t smile back or indulge those chanting her name. Dahila surged forward purposefully with long strides and walked forward to the middle of the field.

Behind her, Valarie was beaming with smiles. She shifted her gaze from her most prized student and focused on the opposition.

Her faced instantly turned pale when she sighted an unfamiliar face shuffling through the crowd of students and working her way to the front.

On the other side, the diabolic Calista chose that particular student for this exact moment. Valarie watched the other side very closely. It unnerved her that Calista didn\'t give the newbie a pep talk. Calista simply gestured her to move along and she obeyed willingly.

Dahila froze at the sight of her opponent.

She was agitated for many reasons, but chiefly because she had done her research on all the potential trouble makers in Class A, and had prepared different strategies for engaging all of them. This was part of what made her an exceptional student- her ability to prepare.

So, as the yellow-skinned stranger approached Dahila with an unreadable expression, Dahila recoiled inwardly. She absolutely hated surprises.

It wasn\'t just Dahila, all eyes feasted on the incredibly busty stranger as she sauntered across the playground to meet Dahila halfway.

Everyone was smitten by the new student, but Zavier paid close attention to her, she looked so much like Shiranui Mai; an anime character that had been ripped right out of a TV show.

She was clad in a very revealing red cheongsam-like dress that accentuated her curvy hips. Her full perky breasts poured out and revealed a very generous cleavage. In her hand was a red fan that for some reason didn\'t feel quite like a fan to Zavier.

He drank in her physical features as his eyes glazed over every inch of her salacious body. Every part of her was firm and well pronounced.

Zavier watched the movements of her hips and the way she strutted with her legs. He knew that underneath all that lusciousness, she definitely wasn\'t wearing a single thread of panties.

The way her nipples fought against her cheongsam, he also knew that there was no bra holding up her breasts.

"Just who is this girl??" he wondered to himself.

As she waltzed down the playground, it was almost as if time slowed down for her. The sunlight flattered her complexion (it could also easily be the other way around) and her eyes glazed under the powerful glare of the midday sun.

Her gestures, much like her ways were slow and suggestive. She floated over to Dahila with the grace and finesse of a swan and stared at her with a hint of coldness in her eyes.

Up close, Dahila could tell that the yellow-skinned girl was an extremely prideful creature. She instantly detested her for it.

It wasn\'t just the sneer on her face, neither was it her haughty set of eyes, it was her overall vibe and in the demeaning way she looked down on just about everyone. The stranger had an offish air about her and Dahila was simply repulsed.

The two of them stared at each other for a full minute. Then the yellow-skinned girl broke the silence. With her head cocked to the side, she finally addressed Dahila;

"What is your name?"

Dahila threw her head back and laughed in her most annoying voice for a full minute. Then she poured as much scorn as she could muster in her answer;

"Don\'t you know it is rude to ask for someone\'s name without first introducing yourself?"

Dahila scoffed and threw her hair back with sass.

The yellow-skinned girl was livid with fury. Dahila\'s vitriolic reply ignited something dark in her and she vowed to make Dahila pay for her insolence.

The air around them got denser by the minute. All around them, deadly silence ensued.

Every pair of eye was fixated on the both of them. Both students and teachers knew that this was going to be a real showdown, they could practically taste and feel it in the air.

Suddenly, without warning, the yellow-skinned girl sprang towards Dahila with the agility of a cat and lounged at her with her fan.

In a bid to mask her attack, she kept her fan folded and only unfurled it at the last moment.

A dense ball of fire shot out of the unfurled fan at the last minute. Dahila was quick to respond, she stepped back tactfully and immediately countered with a wall of ice.

Cries of foul play went up from Class F and Valarie thundered;


Someone from Class F protested;

"But she just attacked Dahila unprovoked without a ready-set-go!! Isn\'t that against the rules?!"

The others chorused their approval like a mob. Valarie rebuked and assuaged them saying;

"This is battle! IT IS NOT your enemy\'s duty to inform you when they will attack! Now watch and learn. No more grumbling!"

The students were obviously riled. They grumbled some more before returning their focus to the fight.

If Dahila had been sleeping before, she was definitely wide awake now! The surprise attack showed just how agile the new girl was and also showed her dexterity with flame magic.

,m If it hadn\'t been for her swift response, Dahila knew that she would have been barbecue by now. The yellow-skinned girl was a shifty one.

She knew she had to go all out with her. Thus, with renewed resolve, Dahila went full ice queen. Her eyes turned white and the air around her grew frosty. Like wings on her back, a cloud of mist took form.

Those who knew Dahila knew that she truly meant business now. Her ice magic wasn\'t just typical frost and snow. NO. Dahila\'s ice was like liquid nitrogen, it was so cold that it burns. She already had the advantage.

Asides from the fact that Dahila\'s ice magic was particularly deadly, it was common knowledge that ice magic naturally negates all other attributes of magic.

Things were looking good for Dahila especially since the yellow-skinned girl\'s magical attribute was ordinary flames. These were the thoughts running through everyone\'s mind as they assessed the battle hoping to predict the outcome.

At the edge of the playground, Valarie observed the battle with clenched fists;

"Get her Dahila! You had better get her!"

But she didn\'t voice it out loud.

Dahila took up a defensive stance and circled round her adversary like a vulture. With hawk like eyes, she observed her every move.

As their back and forth began, Dahila played the long game. She wanted to know just how many cards her aggressive opponent had up her sleeve.

Balls of fire burst from her fan sending flying sparks everywhere. Dahila easily blocked these small scale attacks. As they danced around, Dahila mocked her in her most condescending tone;

"For all your drama, so you\'re just a weak mage after all? You\'re not worth it, I am not going to waste my time with you!"

Dahila\'s sting struck a chord in her already riled up adversary. The yellow skinned girl\'s eyes blazed dangerously and immediately, her attack took on a different form.. She unfurled her fan to three-quarters of its full form and jumped.

Midair, she wept her fan like a massive scythe in the direction of her opponent. Dahila\'s hawk like eyes never left her for a second, she took a deep breath and thought to herself;

"Here it comes…"

Like a wave sweeping across the ocean, a wall of fire erupted from the ends of her fan. As they rushed towards Dahila with an insane bloodlust, they expanded geometrically with every inch like the chemical process that goes on in an atomic bomb.

All eyes watched as the majestic flame swept across the playground in the direction of the other girl. But Dahila wasn\'t fazed.

With the gracefulness of a swan and with the precision of a ballet dancer, Dahila stood on one toe.

She crossed both her arms over her chest like an Egyptian mummy, and with her thumbs touching her forefinger, she struck out her arms and mimicked the flapping movements of a bird taking off.

The result was nothing short of majestic;

From the ground up towards the sky, a wall of incredibly solid ice rose up gloriously.

The raging flame hit the twenty foot solid wall with a sizzling swish and the fire went out in an instant! The wall of ice was still unfazed, it was almost as if nothing had happened.

With Dahila enveloped in a haze of frost and her eyes still a milky white, she repeated the same series of movements from earlier on- everyone held their breath expecting an unfathomable counter attack, but to their surprise, none came, instead the impressive wall of ice dissipated in one move.

The tactful brilliant Dahila decided it wasn\'t time to attack yet. She wanted her enemy to show all her moves first.

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