The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 533 - Port Saint Paulo

It was Lucas, who helped them earlier. He watched the entire fight of Jin Rou against the five emperors and was so much amazed. He knew that Jin Rou was an extraordinary being that would be difficult to meet even for a hundred lives, much less for a talk. A while ago, he was thinking of ways to tag along with them. After all, he was now a vagabond and it wouldn\'t be bad to have some strong companions along the way.

And Jin Rou was the perfect match. Knowing that they were searching for a certain place, he fortunately had an information regarding it.

"Oh, you know a place?" Jin Rou looked at Lucas, "Tell us some more."

He knew what Lucas was trying to do but he didn\'t mind it. In fact, it would be better if he tag along as Jin Rou was thinking what type of reward would he give to the deserving emperor.

"There is a place in the far north called State Region. As far as I know, that is the only place that has the thickest chaos dao you\'re looking for." Lucas didn\'t dare to hide information. He knew that with this kind of being, little petty tricks like that wouldn\'t work.

"I see. Far north, huh." Jin Rou looked to be contemplating, "Do you perhaps know the exact location? If you have the coordinates, I can take us there fast."

"That, I don\'t have." Lucas shook his head, "Furthermore, there is one more problem that might be troublesome to deal with."

"Oh? What is it?" Jin Rou smiled as he focused on Lucas.

"The State Region has closed off its doors for outsiders for a long time now. The region is under the Darkglow Clan, another behemoth in the rankings of the most powerful powerhouses in this continent." Lucas said seriously, "The Darkglow Clan has suffered tremendous losses after the bitter war against Divine Court in the past. So they closed off all of their communications with the outside world and lived in seclusion."

The Darkglow Clan was a powerful force here in the Heaven\'s Continent. Even after that war, they still held their position as one of the strongest. But for some reason, they decided to be seclusive which shook the entire continent.

"So until now, they haven\'t opened their doors to outsiders yet?" Jin Rou asked. If this was the case, the more he needed the coordinates of this place.

"Yes, the State Region is their main base. Many big shots have tried to enter the region with diplomatic reasons. However, they were outright denied by the door. As a matter of fact, they weren\'t even received by a single guard." Lucas took a deep sigh, "And I\'m sorry that I cannot help you this time to enter that place."

"Don\'t worry about it. Just take us there. I\'ll be handling the matters regarding that." Jin Rou smirked, "Besides, their nemesis is the Divine Court right? Perfect timing. I have killed five emperors of the court so I don\'t think they will be thick skinned enough to deny me audience."

Lucas was struck with realization. That\'s right, why didn\'t he think of this? In a way, Jin Rou was Darkglow\'s benefactor as he killed five emperors of the Divine Court. Their chances of successful enter raised by an significant degree.

Jin Rou then tapped Lucas\' shoulder and said, "So take us there. We don\'t have time to waste, so we better hurry."

"Alright, let\'s go then." Fortunately, Lucas has roughly memorized the map going to the State Region. At the very least, they wouldn\'t be lost.


Port Saint Paulo. It was a port of large sea ships going to places. As the distances were so far that even cultivators needed to take many breaks from the manual journey, this port was created to accommodate them.

Port Saint Paulo had three destinations all in all, The Gagina Island, The Ruins Left, and the State Region.

Most people were traveling to the first two. After all, they were the available ones to go unlike the State Region where it was off-limits. But the sea ships going there was still in the port, waiting for brave passengers to go there.

The portman handling the affairs of the ship going to the State Region felt like his job was too easy as he just needed to stand there and wait hopelessly for passengers. It was an easy job to say as very little to none was interested in going there.

However, it wasn\'t the same today. Three people appeared with normal clothes. He examined them and smiled, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

"We need to go to the State Region. Handle us the matters." Lucas smiled to the portman.

"You\'re going to the State Region?" The portman didn\'t believe what he heard, "As you sure? Please know that the State Region has yet to open their borders to the public. So if you want to go there, it will be only a one way trip. We won\'t be able to wait for you there since they don\'t permit it."

"It\'s okay. We still want to go there." Lucas said, "We have an urgent matter to deal with, so please hurry."

"Oh, okay. I\'ll report this to the captain." The portman rushed inside the ship without further ado.

"How long will it take to take us there?" Tiresh asked out curiosity.

"The sea ships here can travel at a very fast speed. The distance the port and the region is I think not below 2,000 kilometers. So I guess we will reach that place in three or four days if the ship if fully functioning." Lucas made a rough calculation regarding it.

Jin Rou was silent and just listened to the two having a serious conversation. He was focused on studying the whole ship and finding their mysteries. After a while, even he was amazed of how this was made and was assured that this sea ship was capable of taking them there.

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