The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 957 Dragon's Plate

He wasn\'t willing to give more information so she didn\'t force the issue. Knowing more was extremely dangerous especially with her shallow cultivation. Perhaps if she became an empress, then she could.


Dragon\'s Plate was located in the Far Sky of Dalensale. Literally, it was a huge plate with a vast claw marks below. It was rumored that the plate was from a dragon itself.

In Mortalis, Dragons were not something you can just find anywhere. They were just part of the legends now and reported to have gone extinct, even if they truly existed. Even top lineages mostly didn\'t see one in their lifetime, perhaps those who had lived since the very beginning of time must have.

In any case, the Dragon\'s Plate was open to all people and races as long as they follow the rules of the plate.

Jin Rou and the princess hopped in to the small lever leading to the plate. After which, the lever levitated towards the entrance of the Dragon\'s Plate.

Most of the time, cultivators went here to hope for enlightment to the dao. A few were here to just see how good the plate was and living in the sky.

"Welcome, Dear Visitors!" A woman in a robe greeted the duo. She was just a mortal, "I am Tiviel. This is Dragon\'s Plate. Before I let you enter, I have to pose on some reminders."

Tiviel explained how the Dragon\'s Plate conducted and how its visitors should act. She explained where they could go and where they could not. It was a brief and concised explanation which was easy to understand.

"Lastly, you cannot hurt anyone of the citizens you see here." Tiviel smiled with a hidden meaning, "Anyone caught violating the rules will suffer severe penalty, regardless of what kind of heavy background they have."

In other words, Dragon\'s Plate didn\'t give a damn about the top lineages. Be it a lineage with five or six era emperors, they wouldn\'t bend their law to get someone a leeway pass.

This law had passed down since the appearance of the plate and many behemoths tried to seize the land for their own benefits. Unfortunately, they became meat pastes without a chance to fight back.

After the reminders, Tiviel welcomed them again and if asked in case they have questions, they could visit a lounge.

It was the first time of Fiarra to be here, so she couldn\'t help but be amazed, "The qi and wind here turns in a single direction. The breeze is very comfortable to the skin, unlike the Dalensale\'s."

"That\'s why this place is always unique and mysterious." Jin Rou said, "With their long years of being here, they have grown accustomed to the environment and modified it several times. Unlike cultivators, the plate\'s residence were all mortals so they needed something that could fit their needs."

"So they couldn\'t live past 100 years, then?" She asked. Mortals had an average lifespan of 85 years according to researches, and those who exceeded this must be extremely lucky.

"Yes and no." Jin Rou didn\'t give more information and continued walking. The streets were filled with mortal children playing. They were playing chase like there was no problem to think of. Well, they were kids, after all. They had yet to learn the real system of the world.

Jin Rou was observing the children when someone neared them and shouted, "Annoying children! Go back to your houses!"

Because of his loud voice, everyone\'s attention was caught. The man who shouted was someone wearing a dark blue suit with a bowtie colored red. Judging from his face, he was drunk and had yet to sober. Also, one noticeable thing was the logo hanging by his side chest.

"Someone from Blue Sky Emperor?" A cultivator said.

Blue Sky Emperor was one of the top lineages of the west. Their continent should be far away from Dalensale, so what was he doing here in the first place?

"It must be Panther." An ancestor could recognize the drunk man and said, "I believed that he was disowned by Blue Sky Emperor and was now homeless. I don\'t know though what is he doing here Dalensale."

Jin Rou looked at the man and chuckled. Something interesting was going to happen, "Look over, Fiarra. See how these mortals deal with people like him who think that they can en arrogant anywhere."

The joyful kids suddenly turned gloomy and said, "Mister, did you just yell at us?"

"Yes, so what? A bunch of kids trying to talk back to an adult?! People of Dragon\'s Plate had no manners huh?" The blue suited man sneered. He was truly drunk that he blabbered anything he could think of.

"What did we do to you to yell us?" The children\'s voices were turning colder and a bit sinister.

"You all are noisy! That\'s your sin!" The blue suited man seemed to really oblivious about the grave he just dug up. Many people shook their heads and sighed.

This man was done for.

"Insufficient answers lead to death, Mister." The oldest of the children suddenly cracked his neck in a very strange and terrifying way, "You are fated to perish here, bye bye."

"Crack!" Then, the blue suited man couldn\'t even react and his neck cracked the way the oldest child did to himself. There was a difference, though.

The drunk man spilled blood like a high fountain. His eyes were open. He died without knowing how. Soon, the children neared the corpse and turned him to a ball. Next, they played with them happily again as if the ball was a real ball.

Seeing this, it gave chills to those who saw this scene live.

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