Epic of Bee

Chapter 36 To Pick Bee-Tween

After getting back, Miasma headed inside after I told her that I needed to eat.

I explained what we were doing and how it was done, and I told her she could watch if she was interested, but she wanted no part of it. That was fine; I just didn\'t want to hide what I was doing.

I don\'t know how people treat relationships in this world, but I didn\'t plan on hiding anything from the girls. If I was going to taste the world, I would do it honestly, but I would just taste the jelly from Leah for now.

The feeding was similar to the girls. Maybe even a bit more detached, but I was okay with that. It made it easier to ignore her Mongo-Bongos pressing into my own chest flappers as she fed me.

After we were done, Leah told me that she would do some training and that she would be just out here if I needed her. She also gave me a knowing smile as she told me to enjoy myself.

That made me roll my eyes at her, but I couldn\'t lie to myself; I was excited to go see her. I smiled at Leah like I had no clue what she was talking about, and then I turned and walked over to the hut.

I went to open the grass-hanging door by sweeping it aside, but the thing was a lot heavier than it looked, and I couldn\'t budge it. Thankfully Leah must have known that I would have trouble, but it was frustrating for me.

Something so simple as opening a door, and I needed to have help? I am sure I had done something in the past that required more strength than this.


"You are only allowed to open doors if you are without a subject. You are restricted from doing work or fighting, but before the system was active, you could try and fight the Queen, but that was only before the system activated. Your duties are as the Queen and the leader, not someone that can put themselves into needless danger if you do not need to," Queeny explained as she emerged from the smoke in her boxy Bee form.

​ "So, If someone else can do it, I can\'t? What the hell is that nonsense?! Great now I have to act like I\'m either too useless or too weak to open my own door," I sighed, walking inside, and Queeny followed me.

Miasma got up from her desk and came over, but Queeny wasn\'t done.

"Your subjects are more than willing to do these things for you. You are their Queen; you need to force that into your brain, and I know it\'s easier said than done," Queeny said, and then she disappeared.

"Where did the weird Bee go?" Miasma asked with a cute look of shock.

Queeny was right on all accounts, and it was hard to shift into the mode of accepting the help of others. I had always worked hard along, but maybe I needed to start looking at things differently.

"She is a piece of God-Tech, and she is my helper. Are you ready to become part of the team?" I asked with a smile.

I could direct, plan, and lead somewhat, but I lacked a million things. Maybe instead of learning them all, I would collect solid and intelligent people to fill in for my shortcomings.

"I think so; I didn\'t really find anything that I could or wanted to do better," Miasma said, but I looked at her strangely.

"You don\'t want to have your spray to be more consistent?" I asked with a bit of confusion.

"No, I want it gone. It has been nothing but a constant source of torment. So, if I could choose, I would want it to be so I didn\'t have it anymore," Miasma said with determination.

"I can\'t promise you that, but if there is a choice that might lead to that, I will choose it, okay?" I asked, stepping forward to take her hands in my bottom hand.

"Mmhm," Miasma said as she looked into my eyes, and my upper hands slowly rose to her face.

She moved her face to my hands just before they touched her face, and then she stepped into me. As her eyes slowly closed, I moved forward and slowly let my lips pushed into her soft pillow lips.

The connection of them sparked a passion that made us start to kiss more passionately. Our hands let go, and we pulled our bodies closer, and I felt the rapturous pleasure of Miasma\'s hands running over my body as we kissed.

I finally had to stop her before this went any further, and I pulled back as she tried to catch my retreating lips. She was so adorable, and I wanted to do dirty things to her, but I also wanted to get the Hive Point out of the way.

\'I am sure it has nothing to do with the class upgrades she will receive,\' Queeny implied knowingly.

Buzz off nosey Bee, I was allowed to help her before I helped myself to her, even if helping her was also helping me. Queen System, please, my Buzzy little Bee.

\'So help me, great gods, I will buzz nonstop in your head if you ever call me that again!\' Queeny buzzed angrily at me in my head, making me smile at Miasma as the Queen System activated.

[System] Activated!

[Hive Points Available] 2.

[Would you like to use this point] Yes/No?


[Select a target]


[New Subject: Miasma] Acquired!

[Subject: Miasma]: Class option:

[Bee-tective] Or [Pollinator]

BAH! Why? Why give me two things that I need? How was I supposed to pick Bee-tween these options?

"Are you okay? Did I get bad ones?" Miasma asked with a worried look.

"Hardly, no, the problem is that they are both too good to pick just one!" I said, and Miasma took my bottom hands and led me over to her bed.

"We can wait if you want. I want to do some more kissing with you, I\'ve never done it before, but I like it with you," Miasma said as I was pulled closer to her, and I didn\'t resist.

The Class could wait.

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