Epic of Bee

Chapter 134 Garden Moonlight Escape

"Yes, Gamble came into the Manufacturing Hex-Comb and ordered everyone out. Then he came out after not long and said that everyone could go in and get to work, and then he went to the Assembly. After doing the same thing, Gamble invited the workers back in. Then he got them all ready for parts that were just coming on the conveyor belt he had designed," Pixie said in a bit of a rush.

"Interesting, so Gamble has Bee Bikes and some other surprises in store for us, good. I can\'t wait to see them tomorrow, but we are heading out to see the new HexScape; would you like to come with us?" I asked Pixie, and she nodded with a smile, so I turned to Xani and offered her my hand.

Xani took it and gave me a warm smile as Pixie came over to my other side. I nodded to Tag and Sig, and they got the small army of guards through the Honey Gate.

I wasn\'t sure what to expect, but I vastly underestimated what I would see when I exited the Honey Gate.

"Wow, this is hard to believe even after seeing it," Pixie said from beside me as we all looked out over the luscious green grass that covered each of the connected thirty-meter flat hexagonal.

I turned around to the Honey Gate and then stepped back to get a better look at the massive glowing teardrop that I called my home. It was a lot bigger up close, but that was just par for the course; everything looked more enormous when you got closer.

I was also able to see the Hex-Combs outside for the first time up close, but they\'re more now. I turned back around and started to walk around the ship as the guards followed.

"Whatever Beezli did with this has increased the number of Hex chambers that we have," I said as we walked.

"Yes, I think with the ratio of sections that we have now, there should be sixteen total now. I am not sure what we are going to do with all the extra space, but I am sure that you will put it to good use," Pixie said with a smile as we got to the other side of the HexScape.

"I wonder if we can grow the flowers out here? I think that they would produce more, and the natural sunlight might be better for them. Still, I will go over the idea with Talli and let you know what we come up with if that is okay?" Xani asked, and I nodded to her with a smile and then leaned over and kissed her.

Then. I walked over to the edge, but still a meter away, yet I could still see what the moonlight lit up below. We were really high up in the air right now, and I didn\'t want to chance a stray wind getting ahold of me.

"I can\'t wait to go down and explore that place tomorrow," I said, looking down fondly at the massive bubble structure that was attached to the side of the mountain below us.

"Yes, I am also very excited to go down and learn more about the different uses that they have for Nectar. I think that we should invite Talli to come with us as well," Xani said to me as we stepped from the edge and started making our way back around to the Honey Gate.

"Do you think that I would be able to come with you guys? I would really like to learn about how they build those bubbles and how they live in them. I think if I can learn more about it, then I can make our home better!" Pixie said excitedly, and I nodded to her.

"Yes, there are a few people that I think should join up, but I need to get some more of the evolutions done in the morning. After we are done, then we will gather at the bottom floor, and Tok will beam us down after," I said as we neared the Honey gate.

"I will head to bed now; enjoy your night with your wife. I want to get some more Hex-Combs built before we leave with Meca-Nectar so I can compare it to the SugaBees fabrication and construction," Pixie said as she walked to the gate.

Pixie turned and waved but then disappeared into the golden surface of the gate. Now, it was only Xani and me, plus thirty-odd guards watching for the next attack.

I didn\'t think that was going to happen, but I wasn\'t going to dissuade them from being vigilant. I had learned my lesson after the massive assault at the Rock Trolls mountain.

After that experience, I wasn\'t going to get caught with my pants off again.

That also reminded me that I would need to get a hangar made for the Drone and then create people that do the repairs. So many things to do, but they were all things that could wait for tomorrow.

"Well, I think that this was a good enough tour for now. I hope that Gamble is done, I am starting to get actually tired, and I don\'t want that right now!" I said with a smile, and Xani came into my arms.

"I hope you two have a perfect time tonight, but I will be waiting for my turn next," Xani said to me and then reached her lips up to mine.

We held onto the kiss, and it was nice just to be able to enjoy a moment like this with a person I loved. The twinkling stars and the giant moon casting silver light down on us were just the bonus.

"I will see you in the morning at some point, and I will let Talli know about coming with us if Pixie hasn\'t already told her," Xani said as she pulled away from me.

"Yes, have a good sleep… wait, where are you sleeping?" I asked, only just now thinking of it.

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