Perfect Superstar

Chapter 103

Generally speaking, under such circumstances, with Third Young Master Li’s temper, first of all, he will certainly won’t get his teeth knocked out and just swallow it in his stomach1, let alone step into Sa Jiahao’s trick. Nine times out of ten, he would go up and have a fight with the latter first, and even if he disturbed the evening party, he wouldn’t give his opponent a chance to hit him in the face.

But Li Mubaididn’t become angry, nor did he retort.

He looked atSa Jiahao with a smile on his face and asked, “Sa Jiahao, do you mean tolet me sing my original song?”

He didn’thave a microphone, but the live music had stopped, so everyone in the bar couldhear him clearly.

This ThirdYoung Master Li seems quite calm.


Sa Jiahaofinally had a good idea to attack Li Mubai. Why would he let his opponentescape easily?

He said withoutthinking, “Who in the circle doesn’t know your, Young Li, musical talent?if you sing someone else’s song, it wouldn’t be right to dedicate it to our SisterFanny? Isn’t that right, everyone?”

If he doesnot push Li Mubai into the corner or let him make a fool of himself, Sa Jiahaowill not feel comfortable in his heart.

Such a goodface-slapping opportunity is too rare.


Many of SaJiahao’s fox friends and dog friends in the crowd responded deliberately andloudly to his words.

“Old Sa,it’s not nice of you to do this...”

Li Mubaismiled bitterly, shook his head and said, “Do I have that big enmity with you?You’re putting me on the spot!”

Pretentious guy!

Seeing LiMubai was still putting on airs, Sa Jiahao’s flame of anger immediately flareup - how dare you pretend to be forced?

At this moment,he caught the site of Fanny out of the corner of his eye. The latter’s frowningappearance made him suddenly understand that Li Mubai was waiting for Fanny tocome out to mediate!

Sure enough,Fanny said, “Little Sa, forget it, we came here to enjoy the evening.There is no need to fight.”

“Nowthat Sister Fanny has said that...”

Sa Jiahaoimmediately pretended to sigh and said, “Li Mubai, since you can’t, forgetit.”

Of course,he wanted to give Fanny face. On the surface, he magnanimously let go of LiMubai. But in fact, he is actually stepping on the latter!

Fanny smiledand Chen Qian curled her lips disdainfully.

Li Mubai isso incompetent!

“Mencan say anything but they can’t say they can’t!" (TN: This just mean men shouldnot back off to any challenge. But I’m not sure.)

Whateveryone did not expect was that Li Mubai actually did not take the opportunityto step down, but smiled contemptuously and said, “I have really preparedan original work. Since everyone wants to hear it, I will make a fool of myselffor once!”

Does LiMubai really want to go on stage?

Did he losehis mind when he was stimulated by Sa Jiahao? They all guessed that he’s goingto lose face!

Many of theguests were speechless and felt embarrassed.

Fanny’sbrow, which had just relaxed, frowned again, and there was a look ofdispleasure on her pretty face.

She hasn’tseen Li Mubai for two years. Why is Li Mubai still act like a child?

She,including others at the scene, did not notice the look on the faces of the fourmembers brought by Li Mubai.

They alllooked strange, like they wanted to laugh but don’t dare to laugh.

Sa Jiahao,however, was overjoyed and immediately said, “Everybody, let’s all welcome,our Young Li, who will go on stage and sing personally!”

He was thefirst one to applaud hard, as if he wanted to slap Li Mubai on the face.

Regardlessof whether they want to or not, everyone still applauded.

Li Mubai fearlesslylead his band members to the stage!

Lost Bar isby no means the largest nightclub in Sanlitun, but when it comes to interiordecoration and facilities, it is said that if it says its number two, no one canclaim to be number one.

Theinstruments and equipment needed by a pop band can be found here, and they’reall high-end goods.

Li Mubai’steam graciously occupied the position of the original musicians. He stood infront of the microphone with an electric guitar in his arm, and he appearedhigh-spirited and confident!

And Sa Jiahao, who has just stepped down, suddenly felt a little less confident.

He set up Li Mubai, and Li Mubai was also set up, but now, somehow, he feels as if he, himself, was set up - this grandson is pretending like a big-tailed wolf2.

There mustbe a catch somewhere!

Sa Jiahaowas still very clever. He immediately thought of a question: “Li Mubai,you didn’t buy a song, did you?”

With their asset,a casual feel around their pocket, they can easily take out the money to buy agood song. Li Mubai used to play in the band, and it is undoubtedly normal tospend money on songs.

If this isthe case, then he, Sa Jiahao, will become a fool!


Li Mubai repliedwith disdain, “If I spend money, or let someone else pay for me to buysongs, I will take your last name! On the other hand, if I didn’t spend moneyon songs, you’ll take this young master’s last name, do you dare toagree?”

Of course,this song wasn’t bought. It was a gift from someone!

There was a suddenburst of light laughter around.

Sa Jiahaoreally didn’t dare agree.

Although LiMubai is playful and belligerent, he is also a spit in nail master in thecircle. They have never seen him go back on his word when his reputation was onthe line! (TN: Spit in nail is a metaphor that means doing thing that one’ssay/promise.)

What LiMubai said made Sa Jiahao speechless. He then said to the microphone, “Iam very happy tonight because Sister Fanny came back from overseas to develop inChina. She came back so suddenly, so I wasn’t able to prepared any good gifts, andshe wouldn’t want it even if I gave it to Sister Fanny.”

As he spoke,he looked at Fanny, who was standing under the stage.


“So, I thoughtI’d just deliver a song...”

Li Mubaicontinued, “This song was originally written for me. I’ve practiced it fora long time. I took it out for the first time to sing to everyone. I hope everyonewill like it!”

Applause andlaughter sounded again, even the wild Chen Qian gave face.

“Thename of the song is Li Bai!”

As soon ashis voice fell, a very rhythmic prelude sounded suddenly.

Li Mubaistood very casually and relaxed. He lowered his head and played his guitar.

“Most people want me to study,

Materialistic ideas.

I studied these concepts all day,

Until dawn.

I couldn’t understand any foreign films

After I finished watching, I felt ridiculous.

I’m well behaved, smart, and obedient,

How sly am I?

Drank a few bowls of rice wine before leaving the house, just to imitate,

I throw up on a painting on the way out, and asked whose it was.

Every day, I call everyone I meet "darling"

This behavior is not popular anymore

We should study more before going out into the world,

Then people will be more willing to accept you


When Li Mubai’s casual and lazy singing came into the ears of all the people present, all the young people in the top circle of Beijing were moved, even amazed and in disbelief.

They all came from a superior background, and were ignorant and incompetent, but there is no such thing as poor experience. In terms of music alone, perhaps very few have the ability to appreciate, but they know a good song when they hear one3.

Li Mubai’s song“Li Bai”, at least has very good melody. The song name and lyrics arealso very interesting.

The most importantthing is the vigor of his singing. It’s just liked the wind/soul inside thebones, with a little bit of pride and a little bit of dissolute, delicate andelegant, and is completely different from before. (TN: Not sure about thewind/soul thing.)

And stillhave the passion of young people!


If I could start again,

I’d want to be Li Bai.

A few hundred years ago,

no one cared if you succeeded, no one judged.

If I could start again,

I’d want to be Li Bai.

At least I could write poems to express my feelings,

And tease women!

If I could start again,

I’d want to be Li Bai.

Create high quality literary works,

And be admired by so many people.

If I could start over!


Many people justlistened to it. As soon as the chorus was over, applause, laughter and whistlesimmediately rang.


Sa Jiahaotook a few steps back and tried to hide himself in the crowd.

He felt hisface burning.

Chen Qian wasstunned, and after a moment, she murmured, “Jazz, RnB, Soul? Whatelse?”

What she heardwas the style contained in the song, which was pleasant and harmonious, so shewas surprised. When did Li Mubai, an ignorant and unskilled fellow, have suchtalent?

She’d ratherbelieve that pigs can climb trees!

Fanny, whois beside Chan Qian, didn’t think too much. She doesn’t have much understandingabout music.

She justfelt that Li Mubai, who was standing on the stage singing at this moment, wasundoubtedly a lot more mature and a little bit more masculine compared to thelittle brother two years ago.

If I couldstart again, I’d want to be Li Bai? Interesting!

There was aninexplicable twinkle in her eyes.

Until theend of the song, the whole audience has burst into thunderous applause.

Sa Jiahaofinally escaped shamefully. If he stayed any longer, he wouldn’t be able tocover his face - it was too swollen!

There is nodoubt that what happened tonight will inevitably become a hot topic in thecircle.

What LiMubai obtained was an edifying anecdote, while Sa Jiahao became the joke in thebackground! (TN: Edifying anecdote or Beautiful Talk means a story passed onwith approval or a good thing to praise.)

But Li Mubaididn’t laugh at the losers at all, because his attention was all on Fanny.

He stared atthe opposite party with a smile and said affectionately in applause: “ThisLi Bai is for everyone first. The second song is really for Fanny. Although Ididn’t write it, I think it’s the most suitable song for her.”

“Thename of this song is Beauty!”

At the sametime, Li Mubai also said in his heart: Thank you, Lu Chen!


TN: Those who are interested on the song: Here.

TN: Won’t get his teeth knocked out and just swallow it in his stomach: Knowing that you are being cheated or losing money, but still tolerant.1

TN: The big-tailed wolf is more used to satirize those who are pretending to be serious, pretending to be decent, and pretending to be authoritative. The person who is pretending to be a gentleman, pretending to be a big man, having the ability to go on the line.2

TN: I changed the translation of the last sentence from: but the quality of a song can still be heard. -> But they know a good song when they hear one. Should I change it back to the original one?3


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