Perfect Superstar

Chapter 134

But hearingLu Chen’s inquiry, she immediately put away her cellphone: "It’s nothing,you don’t have to worry about it!"

Lu Chenshook his head and said, "Sister, what you are doing only makes me moreworried and has a greater impact on me."

Lu Xi musthave encountered something related to him, otherwise she would not have actedso.

He knows howto deal with his sister.

Lu Xi helplesslystared at him, but she still took out her cellphone and handed it to him:"Just a bored guy..."

Lu Chen tookit up and looked through it, and soon understood.

On Lu Xi’s cellphone showed content of Inspur Blog. The blogger is Zhuang Hao.

The editorand music critic of the fashion magazine "Elegant" posted a blog post at 3p.m., commenting on a song that has recently become popular on the Internet.The song is "Chasing Dream With A Childlike Heart".

Zhuang Haowrote in his blog post that the song sounds very good, the lyrics are upliftingand exciting and the singer’s level is OK, so its popularity is justified.

But... Payattention to this but! (TN: Meaning pay attention to what he’s going to saynext)

But he couldnot agree with the singer’s ideal, because before the singer sang the song, hehad publicly said on live TV that his dream was to make money, moreover to makea lot of money!

Isn’t that ridiculous?

Money isimportant, but young people’s dreams should not focus on money, and they shouldhave nobler values.

Is the dreamof pursuing music not good?

This blogpost has nearly a thousand words, and it goes on and on to criticize Lu Chen withoutnaming him.

Its keypoint is to compare what Lu Chen said in the Beijing singing area final withthe song "chasing Dream and Red Heart" that he sung during the BihaiCompetition. It ridicules that Lu Chen’s dream is full of copper smell and itis not a correct value. Therefore, it should not be the target of young people’spursuit!

At the endof the blog post, he added the video clips of Lu Chen in those two competitionsas evidence.

Like thesaying, a scholar kills without using a blade. As a magazine editor and musiccritic, Zhuang Hao’s writing is quite sharp, seizing Lu Chen’s loophole toattack him. There is a strong tendency to turn Lu Chen into a moral villain!

The post wasforwarded and @ Lu Chen FMX and was seen by Lu Xi.

Lu Chen’s Inspurblog currently has 4.2 million + followers, a little short of the big Vstandard of 5 million. However, his followers have accumulated in just a month,which is quite impressive.

Inspur blogis a very important place for publicity. Even small stars in the third andfourth tier have to open blog posts, carry out hype or enhance their imagepopularity. Therefore, Lu Xi, as Lu Chen’s agent, attaches great importance toit and she has been personally managing it.

Inparticular, Lu Chen has experienced two incidents of being attacked, in which shewas particularly sensitive in this regard. (TN: She here is Lu Xi, I think.)

Zhuang Hao’ssinister blog post naturally made her furious.

However, LuChen didn’t get angry, but smiled.

Initially,Zhuang Hao deliberately tried to make trouble for Lu Chen during the auditionof "Super Singer" and teamed up with two other judges to eliminate LuChen. Later, the incident was exposed and Xiangnan Satellite TV had cancelledtheir contract, and he completely lost face.

If this guydoesn’t hate Lu Chen, that would be a strange thing!

But at onetime or another, his own reputation is bad, and it would be ridiculous to thinkif he can smear Lu Chen.

This blogpost came out at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. So far, there have been only 200 +forwards and 75 likes, but there are thousands of comments - all scolding him.

Su Xiaobai: Areyou worthy of talking about morals?

Beef NoodleSoup: Is this going to be on Lu Chen’s bar? Say, how much did you take thistime? (TN: No idea on the bar part.)

Scientificelectromagnetic gun: "Chasing Dream With A Childlike Heart" is a goodsong that you never get tired of listening to. You must be a terrible person!

Ash HK: What’swrong with having a dream of making money? What do you eat if you don’t haveany money?

Bobo: Wellsaid. I’ll give you five points. Keep going!

Shark 777: Thisis the funniest blog post I’ve ever seen this year. The blogger still has aface to show!

Cat: Hehe, harmingpeople once is not enough for you and want to do bad things again. Your heartis so bad. Are you not afraid that when you go out, you’ll be hit by a car?

I want rice:What’s wrong with making money? My dream is to make a lot of money. Do you wantto take care of it?

Eighteenyears old: @ Elegant Magazine, quickly manage your dog, it’s biting again.

Fang Zizi: Pleaseget out of here...

Except for afew passers-by who don’t know the truth, 90% of commentators are scoldingZhuang Hao. There shouldn’t be much of Lu Chen fan in there, otherwise it wouldhave been blown up.

Most of thepeople who scolded Zhuang Hao have heard and liked "Chasing Dream With AChildlike Heart". They were very disgusted with Zhuang Hao’s forcedsmearing behavior. They took the initiative to help Lu Chen fight back andridicule.

There arealso those who know the grudges between the two sides, and they also despiseZhuang Hao to the extreme - he himself does not have the slightest moral, butunexpectedly dare to speak brazenly about others. He’s lower than a hypocrite!

In order toexpress their disdain, many people who reprimanded Zhuang Hao gave him a rewardof 5 cents.

This is asatirical post, and that’s all it’s worth.

Zhuang Haoactually earned several yuan from this!

Lu Chen wasoverjoyed. He showed some classic comments to Lu Xi: "Sister, you don’t needto be angry. You see, other people are scolding him. It doesn’t affect me atall."

It’s nothingmore than a clown. It’s not worth getting angry about.

If Lu Chenreally cares and confronts Zhuang Hao, it is probably exactly what the otherparty wanted to happen.

PerhapsZhuang Hao’s purpose is just that!

It’s justthat after the last time Beijing Satellite TV demonstrate it’s power, thecriticism against Lu Chen on Inspur blog basically disappeared. Without thehelp of those big V/ speculators / marketing numbers, this blog post can’t eventurn up a small wave.

Zhuang Hao wasundoubtedly trying to bring a wave of rhythm to himself, borrow Lu Chen’s hype tostir things up and retaliate at the same time.

He also tookgreat pains to choose the time of launching his attack.

Unfortunately,no one responded.

Lu Xi, ofcourse, will not fall for it easily.

She justdidn’t expect the circle to be so complicated.

The trapsare strewn with thorns, which makes her sister to worry about Lu Chen’s future.

Chen Jianhaocame over with Sister Na to show their concern.

Afterunderstanding the cause of the matter, he smiled at Lu Xi’s depression: "Theentertainment industry is like this, it has never been clean. Lu Chen have kepthimself clean and has not allowed himself be influenced by others. Even ifother want to smear him, they have to weigh their own weight."

"Youdon’t have to worry too much. No star has not experienced such a thing on theirway to fame. As long as Lu Chen is strong enough, he doesn’t need to be afraidof any explicit or implicit rules."

Lu Chennodded. He naturally understood that it is necessary to temper himself.

Chen Jianhaoadded: "Zhuang Hao’s nonsense talk is not a big deal, but you can alsofight back before you sing!"

Lu Chensmiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Jianhao, for your guidance."

Chen Jianhaopatted him on the shoulder and encouraged, "Come on, be sure to win thechampionship!"

In the T1studio. The final continues.

One afteranother, "Singing China" top 10 singers went on stage. They have made everyeffort to exert their strength and launch an impact towards their highest goal.

Countless viewerssat in front of their televisions or computers, watching and appreciating thefierce final.

[Whale TV]’sLu Fei live broadcasting room. The excitement is at its peak.

Since LuChen participated in "Singing China" reality show competition, thenumber of followers and the number of people online in Lu Fei live broadcasthave been rising steadily, and its popularity has not reduced.

Thoughbecause of the competition, Li Feiyu is often the anchor, but its popularity isstill very high.

Especiallyin this evening’s final, [Whale TV] made a big recommendation on their homepagefor the first time!

Under normalcircumstances, the officials are opposed to anchor inviting people to broadcasttheir contents on their behalf. Occasionally they can turn a blind eye to themseveral times. After all, they may have encountered some accidents.

But if ananchor often invites people to broadcast on their behalf, the officials arebound to impose penalties. Or even terminate their contract directly.

But LuChen’s situation is completely different. As a new star who walked out from [WhaleTV], his success in "Singing China" has given the officials face and theytook this opportunity to hype it up.

So, it makessense for [Whale TV] to have a big banner of the final tonight on its homepage.

And the incomparableeye-catching advertising has brought massive popularity to Lu Fei livebroadcasting room!

The numberof followers has broken through the million mark, with the number of peopleonline reached has 1.7 million +, and is still climbing!

Such datahas undoubtedly set a new record in the live broadcast.

The barrage waslike the tide of the sea, and the fish balls were falling like rain!

Li Feiyu’svoice was hoarse with excitement and he’s doing his best to move the tempo.

Lu Family ArmyFans were also eagerly looking forward to Lu Chen’s appearance, hoping that he canwin the final championship.

ForgetWorries Bar. Although Chen Jianhao and others are not there, the live broadcastof the competition is still showing on the big screen on the stage.

Binhai, LuChen’s home. Fang Yun and Lu Xue had long been in the living room...

At 9:05 p.m.,the ninth singer finished performing and got off the stage.

Lu Chen wasthe last contestant to take the stage.

He went onstage, bowed and greeted, "Hello, everyone. Hello, four judges and teachers.I’m singer Lu Chen!"

The eyes ofthe 3,000 audience were all focused on him, and the studio quickly quieteddown.

"Hello,Lu Chen. We meet again."

Chen Fei’ersmiled and asked, "Standing on this stage tonight, what are your thoughts?"

Lu Chenthought about it and replied, "I have a lot of thoughts. When I was in thefinal of Beijing singing area, I once said that my dream is to make money, tomake a lot of money!"

Chen Fei’er’seyes sparkled: "Has your dreams changed now?"


Lu Chenfirmly shook his head: "My original dream has not changed. because I wantto make money to help pay off my family’s debts. I want my family to live ahappy life. I want to let my mother no longer need to work hard day and night."

"Therefore,I have to make a lot of money!"

"I alsohave a new dream, which is to make my song be heard by people all over theworld."

"Letthem remember my name..."

"I am standing here for my dream!"

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