Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Chapter 361 347

Cain calls a copy of all his Companions into the bedroom to see if they\'ve undergone any drastic change with the change in quality.

Vala and Laura look the same but give off an aura of incredible power just standing around the room. If Cain didn\'t know better, he would think they were a form of demigod. But at Mythic Quality, and having just gained the status of awakened, the demigod level is likely still far beyond them.

Nila looks similar, but her sailor\'s garb has more jewelry, while Evangeline looks precisely like she did yesterday.

The only one with a significant visual change is Nemu, who is currently in a more human Neko form and now wears an elegant pink silk Kimono with white flowers. There are more layers underneath, and it looks pretty restrictive, but Nemu moves with effortless grace.

Cain inspects her new abilities, finding that she is now called a Songstress, and the effects of her musical skills are significantly increased. She has also gained a highly effective form of charm called [Lost in Song], which entrances those around her for as long as she keeps playing.

A flash of memory from Cain\'s past life, of a cat-eared geisha, comes to mind, and Cain smiles, gently gets out of bed, hugs the Felian, and strokes her ears.

"It is good to see you all advancing so well. I called you all here to see your abilities, but we should change rooms to avoid waking the others."

"You\'ve got Lamia drool on your chest," Nila whispers, shifting the blankets on the bed to cover the sleeping pair and hide their nudity from the morning air.

"Good point. I\'ll shower; then we can meet in the dining room." Cain agrees, going to wash up and get his mind around the new information he gained this morning.

Even after a shower, the bed looks incredibly inviting, but Cain manages to get himself downstairs, where the cooks have just begun the morning meal as the sun comes up.

"Well, the benefits this morning were unexpectedly good. Especially for those of us that the System updated to Awakened status. Did anyone get something particularity interesting as a new ability?"

It is far easier to ask the Companions for answers instead of searching through every skill list one at a time. Plus, they might have noticed an interaction between skills that he would have missed.

"I gained the ability to Summon the Heavenly Host just like other Legendary and higher Seraphim," Evangeline responds happily.

Well, that certainly makes up for the lack of Mythic rank damage reduction anywhere that she had been so far. It will also make her an incredible protector of the Guild properties. He would have to tell Cyrene to talk with her about that outreach program the Lamia wanted to start.

"Other than the Mythic Rank, I\'m still the same size and everything," Laura complains, making Vala laugh.

"I got much better water and wind magic. I could keep an entire fleet moving by myself now." Nila informed him proudly, then grabbed a slice of bacon off the trays that were headed for the table.

"I think you already looked through mine, but I gained the ability to draw people into my songs and stronger buffs." Nemu shrugs.

She\'s got a shifty look in her eyes, so Cain reads her mind to see what she\'s up to, finding that her clone just climbed into bed with Misha and Cyrene to bask in the warmth.

Unlike the Bunny, Nemu has claws and isn\'t afraid of a little Lamia hug. A warm spot to nap is much more important.

"That about covers it. I\'m not sure where we can find Mythic Quality skills, so we will have to put that on the top do list along everything else we haven\'t gotten around to finishing yet." Cain sighs, seeing the work piling up in front of him.

They linger around the table for a while, while they catch up with everyone else who is gathered at the Long Fang Valley Manor. The Elves all come down together just after the sun comes up, looking refreshed and radiant.

"I take it you enjoyed the spa day?" Cain laughs, noticing the herbal aroma that still lingers from hours spent in a scented hot tub.

"More than you could imagine. I will warn you now, we will be spending more time here in the future. I got my mother to agree to let me to adventure for a while, learning about the world and building my level up. We were arguing about that yesterday before I came over, but her agreement means I\'m free to visit for a while." Paige declares, while Dana, the Elven doctor laughs at her.

"Don\'t take them too seriously. They\'re too much alike, so they butt heads over everything. The Queen ascended the throne after her father was killed in the war, and she\'s still upset that she didn\'t get to run around free and play when she was younger." Dana clarifies, and Paige sticks her tongue out at her family doctor.

"I see you made it to level 290. Only a few more, and you can start checking to see if you get any advancement options. Are your summons still hunting?" Mary asks Cain but doesn\'t take her eyes off the tickle fight that Paige has started with the doctor in retaliation for making fun of her.

If the Queen of Munan is just like that, maybe he should have left her as a preschool-aged Dark Elf, Cain decides. At least that way, she would fit right in with her peers.

[Class Quest Available: True Awakening] enter a unique instance and find the lost artifact of the Ancient Species to gain a random Mythic Quality skill suited to your species and class. Warning: extended timetable may be necessary.

The notification startles Cain; they always seem to come at the most random of times. But this one is too good to pass up. He will have to wait a bit to accept it, though. Misha and Cyrene are awake now that they were cooked out of bed by the added heat of an extra cuddly Nemu, but they\'re not downstairs yet.

Leaving without informing Misha seems like a terrible idea after reading that extended timetable warning on the quest.

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