Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 1462 Eternal Glory (END)

It was at that moment when Elliot\'s playful voice reached William\'s and Surtr\'s ears.

"Oh, but you will."

A small angelic familiar appeared on William\'s left shoulder and gave the God of Destruction the middle finger.

A second later, three more familiars appeared, with Conan standing on William\'s right shoulder, and Chloee and Claire hovering above the Half-Elf\'s head.

"Kekeke, Will, let\'s finish this once and for all," Conan said. "I\'m getting a bit hungry."

"Let\'s murder this Giant, Will!" Chloee raised her little fist high up in the air as if pumping herself to fight against Surtr by herself.

"Yes, we must end his tyranny once and for all," Claire stated.

William smiled as he moved at the same time as Surtr, in order to put an end to their thousand year battle.

"Your world will be destroyed, alongside your hopes and dreams!" Surtr declared as all the powers he had gathered earlier made his entire sword blaze with the Flames of Destruction. "None will remain, including all of you who dared to get in the way of the Cycle of Life!"

William also prepared to unleash the power he had gathered in his blade, carrying the burden of the entire world on his shoulders.

"We will not be defeated!" Elliot shouted as William flew towards Surtr, holding the sword whose radiance shone like the biggest star in the sky.

"We fight for Honor!" Conan shouted.

"For Friendship!" Claire stated.

"And for Love!" Chloee announced.

"Our names will go down in history!" Elliot declared. "This will be our…"


Surtr brandished his sword with the intention of destroying William, as well as the World of Hestia from the Void.

He put every ounce of his strength behind this attack because he knew that this was the only way he could put an end to the battle.

Understanding that William would not dodge his strongest blow because the world of Hestia was behind him, the God of Destruction put everything in the line, including his pride and name, for one final gambit.

"Raze the World into Oblivion!" Surtr roared. "Vanquish all who stand before me with the Flames of Destruction!"

"Ad Finem Interitus!"

William also didn\'t hold back as he raised his sword, calling out its true name.

"Strike with all the power of the Sins and Virtues of the World!" William declared as he charged towards Surtr, facing the Giant head on. "Cut through Time and Space!"

"Sword of the Strange Hangings!"

The moment the Hellish Sword and the Radiant sword collided, all sounds disappeared from the Universe.

In that one moment in time, everyone that was fighting in Hestia, including all the Gods, looked up in the sky and saw a radiance that illuminated the entire world.

Everything became peaceful as if everyone had lost the ability to speak, and only used their eyes to look at the radiance that would decide the outcome of the war.

When the light receded, they saw two things falling from the sky.

Surtr\'s sword, Interitus, was cut in half.

Half of the blade embedded itself in the land, while the other half fell not far from it, creating a crater.

While this happened, the world was still void of sound.

This silence was broken by a soft sigh that escaped James lips, as dark-red mists in the sky disappeared, and the world of Hestia slowly regained its colors.

"Pass me the Banner, Helen," James said softly. "This war is won."

Helen, who was the Valkyrie that served directly under Odin\'s command, passed the All Father\'s Flag to James with tears streaming down her beautiful face.

She had waited for those words for thousands of years. Now, seeing James raise the Banner high up in the air, the feelings of sadness, happiness, and bitterness, all rose to the surface making the proud and courageous Valkyrie cover her lips as she wept tears, not of sadness, but tears of pride, knowing that their thousand-year crusade had finally ended.

"For Asgard and the Nine Realms!" James shouted as he raised his banner high up in the air, showing everyone his triumphant face, which was crumpled a bit due to the manly tears that fell from his eyes.

"For Asgard!" Owen shouted as he raised his staff into the air.

"""For Asgard!"""

"""For Asgard!"""

"""For Asgard!"""

"""For Asgard!"""

"""For Asgard!"""

"""For Asgard!"""

Eldon, who saw this scene, can\'t help but smile, as he too tried to raise the Warhammer in his hand. However, he had sprained his hand in the battle earlier, so he could not raise it anymore.

"We won\'t lose to them, old man," Swiper said as he held Eldon\'s right hand, which was carrying his Warhammer, and raised it high up in the air.

Eldon chuckled because he understood what Swiper was trying to say. The Dwarf then took a deep breath before shouting loud and proud.

"For the Alliance!" Eldon roared.

"""For the Alliance!"""

"""For the Alliance!"""

"""For the Alliance!"""

"""For the Alliance!"""

"""For the Alliance!"""

Kasogonaga looked at the old bandit before shifting his gaze to the old dwarf in the distance.

He then jumped on top of Erchitu\'s head, and used the microphone in his hand to make his declaration.

"For the Horde!"

The denizens of the Underworld also raised their hands high up in the air as they too chanted their Lord Kazo\'s words of triumph.

"""For the Horde!"""

"""For the Horde!"""

"""For the Horde!"""

"""For the Horde!"""

"""For the Horde!"""

Gavin, Lily, Issei, and David, looked at this scene with smiles on their faces.

They then shifted their attention to Yaldabaoth, who was the true leader of the Gods of Destruction.

The Lion-Headed Serpent was still looking up in the sky, as if making sure that Surtr was truly gone for good.

A minute later, a sigh escaped his lips before shifting his gaze towards the mortals who fought him, and his army, with everything they had.

However, before he could give out an order, an eight-winged Half-Elf appeared in front of his face, holding the radiant sword in his hand.

"Still here?" William asked in a challenging tone.

Yaldabaoth narrowed his eyes as he looked at the Half-Elf who had transformed from an ordinary mortal to a God within the span of time that they had descended into the world of Hestia to destroy it.

"Surtr?" Yaldabaoth asked back.

"Dead," William replied.

Yaldabaoth closed his eyes because losing Surtr was a great blow to his army.

"We will take our leave," Yaldabaoth stated before opening his eyes to look at the Half-Elf in front of him. "However, we will return. It may not be tomorrow, or the next day, or perhaps not in the next million years. But, rest assured, we will return."

William nodded. "That\'s fine. A million years from now, and it will no longer be my problem."

"And whose problem will it be then?"

"The problem of the future generation of course."

Yaldabaoth chuckled after hearing the Half-Elf\'s reply. "How irresponsible. Aren\'t you worried that they will be defeated and this world will finally meet its doom?"

"Like I said, that\'s their problem," William insisted. "By then, I\'d probably be somewhere over there."

William pointed at the sky, earning another chuckle from Yaldabaoth\'s lips.

"I hope we never meet again, William," Yaldabaoth stated as its giant body floated in the air. "You\'re the type that doesn\'t die even if you are killed."

The surviving Giants also started to fly towards the sky as the God of Destruction recalled each and everyone of them.

There was no longer any point in continuing to fight because, if they did, they would just gain more losses in a battle that was already over.

The other Gods of Destruction, namely, Erlik, Nergal, Owuo, and Kakia also rose up towards the sky, and entered the red portal that Yaldabaoth had created.

Ahriman glared at William one last glare before flying towards the portal in the sky. However, when he was only halfway there, a golden lasso wrapped itself around his foot.

"Just where do you think you\'re going?" William asked with a devilish smile on his face before pulling the former God of Chaos and Darkness out of the sky, making the latter crash towards the ground, creating a small crater.

"Y-You! The fight is already over!" Ahriman shouted.

"I know," William said. "My grudge with the Army of Destruction is over, but our grudge with you has not been settled yet."

The Half-Elf sneered as he pierced Ahriman\'s chest with his clawed hands, and pulled his soul out from his body.

"Release me!" Ahriman shouted as his soul struggled from William\'s grasp. "I am Ahriman! The Primordial God of Chaos and Darkness. You cannot treat me in this manner!"

"Shut up," William\'s voice that was filled with killing intent made Ahriman\'s soul flinch, and stopped all of his movements. "I wanted to torture your soul for over a thousand years, but I made a promise with someone to hand you over to them."

"W-Who?! Who are you planning to give me to?" Ahriman suddenly felt anxious because he knew how much Wiliam hated him.

If the Half-Elf was going to give him away, it meant that there was someone whose hatred far surpassed the Half-Elf\'s, and that didn\'t sit well with him!

It was at this moment when a black Obsidian Throne descended from the sky.

Seated on it was an otherworldly beauty, whose face could only be seen by the Gods, as well as the Half-Elf who was holding a struggling soul in his hand.

"Nyx!" Ahriman hissed. "It\'s you!"

"Shut up!" Nyx said in a cold, and deadly voice, as she lightly patted the back of the baby she was holding in her arm. "If you wake up this child, I\'ll torture your soul for a million years!"

Ahriman immediately shut up as he looked at the Primordial Goddess of Darkness, whom he had contended against since time immemorial.

William\'s son, as well as Celine\'s first born child, Ciel, slept peacefully in the Primordial Goddess embrace.

Since everyone was going to war, they wanted to leave Ciel in a safe place where no one would be able to harm him.

Because of this, William decided to ask Celine\'s Patron Goddess, Lyssa, to take Ciel to the Primordial Goddess, so that the latter could keep him safe.

If things ended up in the worst case scenario, then, at least, his child would survive and be able to continue to live.

The Primordial Goddess was more than happy to take care of William\'s baby, and promised to keep him safe.

Now that the battle was over, it was now time for her to return Ciel to his parents.

Seeing her child, Celine returned to the real world, and appeared beside William. She then bowed respectfully to the Primordial Goddess in order to take her baby back, and the latter nodded her head.

Although the Goddess was reluctant to part with the adorable child, there was still some business that she needed to attend to that required her undivided attention.

Nyx grabbed the soul in William\'s hand and gave Ahriman a disdainful smirk.

"Come, Ahriman," Nyx said as she lightly squeezed the soul in her hands, making the God of Chaos and Darkness scream. "We have a lot of catching up to do."

Without another word, the Obsidian Throne disappeared, leaving no traces of the otherworldly behind.

Now that he had kept his promise to Nyx, the Half-Elf raised his head to look at the red portal that the last members of the Army of Destruction were passing through.

Yaldabaoth still hadn\'t entered the portal because he was making sure that the survivors of his army would not be attacked by the Half-Elf.

As for Ahriman? He wasn\'t originally part of his Army, so he didn\'t care much for him.

When the last Giant had entered the portal, Yaldabaoth gave the mortal armies of Hestia one last glance, as he took the scene into his memory.

This was his first ever defeat since he had founded the Army of Destruction and it left a bitter taste in his mouth. However, there was nothing he could do, but to lick his wounds and allow his army to recover.

At that moment, a beautiful Goddess appeared in front of the God of Destruction, and the latter acknowledged her with a light nod.

"Goodbye, Hestia," Yaldabaoth. "See you again in a million years."

"Can you make it a billion years?" Hestia asked back with a smile on her face.

Yaldabaoth snorted. "You wish."

Without waiting for Hestia\'s reply, the God of Destruction returned to the Void, leaving the World of Hestia behind.

William looked at this scene before breathing a sigh of relief.

He could have also tried to kill Yaldabaoth, but he didn\'t want to do that. Just like the natural cycle of Life and Death, Destruction and Rebirth also went hand in hand.

Without destruction, there would be no rebirth, and the Multiverse would become stagnant. This was why he didn\'t go after the survivors of the Army of Destruction, and allowed them to leave, for they also had their roles to play in the world.

Since the battle was now officially over, the Eight Deadly Sins, the Eight Heavenly Virtues, and William\'s other wives and lovers, all left his Spiritual World and appeared before him.

The last ones to appear were Elliot, Conan, Chloee, and Claire.

"Congratulations, Will," Elliott said with a smile. "You managed to win our revenge match against Surtr!"

"Kekeke! That over-sized baboon had it coming," Conan chuckled. "But, that also means that our roles are finally over."

Elliot\'s and Conan\'s body faintly glowed, as particles of light slowly rose from their bodies, which alarmed the Half-Elf.

However, before William could even say anything, Elliot raised his hand to stop him.

"Will, isn\'t this world beautiful?" Elliot asked as he made a gesture towards the setting sun in the distance.

"It is," William replied before biting his lip as he looked at the Angelic Familiar that had a peaceful expression on his face.

"It is a world worth fighting for," Conan comments as he crossed his arms over his chest, looking at the sunset together with Elliot. "I have seen many beautiful sunsets, but this sunset is the most beautiful of them all."

Chloee looked at the two familiars and lowered her head.

Claire, who understood what her twin was feeling, wrapped her arms around her to give her a hug, making Chloee bury her face in her shoulder, as her body shook, trying to hold back the tears that were dangerously close to falling.

"I don\'t have any regrets in this life… Um, maybe I do have one," Elliot said as he glanced at William, giving the latter a playful smirk. "And that is to die a virgin. Does it ring a bell?"

"Kahahaha!" Conan laughed at the side, while holding his tummy.

"What are you laughing at?" Elliot asked. "You are also a virgin!"

"Eh? …Now that I think about it, you are right," Conan stopped laughing as he scratched his head.

However, his smile never left his face. That was one of the things that William liked about Conan. You could see his true feelings on his face. Unlike Elliot, who hid everything, including his sadness and pain behind an angelic smile.

"Will, please, take care of everyone," Elliot said as the glowing particles that were flying towards the sky continued to rise, making his body become more transparent. "Wherever we may be, we will always be supporting you with everything we have."

"That\'s right, Will." Conan commented as he looked at the Half-Elf\'s face that was covered in tears. "We will always be watching over you, and always remember this…"

"You are the beginning of a letter," Elliot said softly.

"The contents of a poem," Conan smirked as he gave a peace sign to William.

Elliot then pressed his palms together as if in prayer. "And the Ending of a Fairy Tale."

Conan chuckled. "And what a good ending it is! The Best Ending ever!"

Elliot and Conan held hands with each other as the final embers of their life burned brightly.

"See you later, Will." Elliot waved his hand as the angelic smile on his face crumpled a bit, not masking the single tear that slid down the side of his face.

Conan chuckled as he gave the Angelic Familiar a hug before winking at Will.

"Don\'t worry about Elliot. He\'s just weak when it comes to saying goodbyes," Conan said. "Goodbye, Will."

""May you live happily ever after!""

After saying these parting words, the two familiars who supported William till the bitter end took their place amongst the stars.

Watching over him until he no longer had tears to shed.


< The End >

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