Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 289 Deep Secret Comes To Light

"We started on the first donor by 7 AM," One of the doctors whom she had thrown the question at, replied.

Smiling in response, she turned to the five people sitting across from the doctors drawing their blood and quickly thanked them.

"Thank you for taking some time off from your busy schedule to come for this month\'s event. Thank you for helping save emergency patients at the hospitals. We are grateful for people like you."

"It\'s nothing," one of the women with a nose mask over her face replied.

The man next to her, laughed as he pressed on the cutton wool placed on the spot the needle went in to draw his blood.

"Ma\'am, we have you to thank for coming up with a great idea like this."

Nodding at the man, she hurriedly took the small yoghurt drink one of the nurses passed to he before handing it over to the man.

"Thank you, please do well to inform your healthy friends and relatives to come and save more lives together."

"Hahahaha..." The man laughed in agreement as he took the yogurt from her and thanked her before leaving as another person from the canopy, took his spot.

Half an hour later, Shi Wenqian walked into the building to check some other things out as today was a very important day to her health organisation.

About a year ago, she started her health Foundation where people come to donate blood for emergency patients.

That same day, the blood after being tested, would be transported to the hospitals to fill their blood banks.

Apart from donating blood, Shi Wenqian\'s agency helped to scout for organs for transplant, for those patients seeking an organ donor as well, hence, she was now highly relevant and praised for her endeavours.

So once a month, she would hold a grand event outside her building complex to draw blood from people willing to donate.

But if anyone of them came for organ donation, he or she would be taken inside for proper questioning, and observation.

After working for almost the entire day with the reporters she discreetly arranged to take photos of her and the event, she returned home.

The next day, she appeared on the front page of news papers, which a picture of her sitting with her arm stretched out, ready to donate her blood to the doctor cleaning her arm with an alcohol dabbed cotton wool.

Suddenly, she became the topic of discussion as a good number of people talked about her health organzation and the strategy she was using to get people to freely donate and help those in the hospital with health crisis.


Looking at the news online about her stepmother and her organisation, Zhang Liling scoffed.

"Nonsense!" She spat angrily as she hurriedly swiped the page out of her screen.

"Now, I can\'t even report her for forcibly drawing my blood for almost 4 years. She would surely find a way to turn things around for her good," she mumbled to herself as her entire face contoured in a frown.

Zhang Liling had still planned to one day sue her stepmother for taking her blood against her wish Just to feed it to her half-brother who had some sort of illness she refused to disclose to anyone, but seeing her new public image job, she was disappointed.

"Why is your face like that?" Fang Bingwen asked as he stepped into the living room with slightly furrowed brows.

"My crazy stepmother is trying to lift her image after probably being tired of holding the 1st prize of the most hated women in City S."

Taking large strides, Mr. Fang came over to sit on the single couch next to the two-sitter sofa she was on.

"I have been meaning to tell you something very important, but I keep forgetting. Thankfully, this news has reminded me about it." He said as his gaze locked on hers while waiting for her reaction.

Zhang Liling raised a questioning brow as she instantly locked her phone screen and turned her entire attention on him.

"I\'m sure you have mentioned it a few times. What is it? Is it something serious?" She asked curiously.

Fang Bingwen cleared his throat and began, "Are you aware that your half-brother Zhang Mingyu has a bleeding disorder?"

"What? Where did you hear that from? How is that possible?" Zhang Liling asked immediately as her

eyes widened in their sockets.

How was it possible for her half-brother to have an illness like that and she did not know about it?

"Calm down, I will explain everything to you."

Knowing that she had too many doubts and questions to ask, Fang Bingwen took things slowly.

He started the story from the very first day Chuanli had mentioned it to him when he was conducting an experiment with her blood.

As Zhang Liling listened, the more surprised she got and also the more it dawned on her about her stepmother\'s actions in the past.

As at that time, she hadn\'t launched her organisation hence, the reason she found reasons to take her blood instead.

But if her half-brother had this disorder, why did she choose to hide it? Obviously, her father didn\'t know about it.

Zhang Liling\'s question was answered with what Fang Bingwen said next.

"There is a possibility that you and Zhang Mingyu do not share the same blood group and genotype, including your father."

"I don\'t understand... It is always on his report, and I\'m sure he shares the same blood genotype as my father, just like me."

Zhang Liling\'s mind was completely blank as she tried to understand what he was saying, while at the same time recalling a few things from the past.

Seeing that she was getting confused, Fang Bingwen decided to drop the bombshell.

"Liling, although this is has not been proven officially, Zhang Mingyu who is believed to be your half-brother, has no relationship with your biological father. Having this bleeding disorder has already spilled the deep secret, but we need to carry out a paternity test to get the evidence documented."

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