Classless Reincarnation

Chapter 24 Reading... Picture Books?!

A certain Librarian was smiling from ear to ear.

Today he began his dream job! Sure, only as a mere Assistant Librarian (Probationary), but he finally had his foot in the door!

He\'d crush the competition, making up for his lack of magical talent with godlike effort! Plus, he had a secret: he had a perfect memory!

Sure, it was a talent most mages would develop at some point, but to him, it was his lifeline! He was resolved to become the very best (librarian) that no one ever was!

"You got this, Ash! Organize, guide, and watch!" He shouted inwardly, only for his daydream to be interrupted by soft, cushioned footsteps.

An unknown person appeared at the entrance.

Yet there was something strange about him. It wasn\'t raining outside, but a cloak covered the man\'s body, neither his hands nor face visible! How shady!

He quickly checked the records…

The token used had belonged to a certain \'Mr. Darwin\'… Ash had seen him once, and this guy wasn\'t him! Any other librarian wouldn\'t have noticed, but he bloody did!

\'Shady guy, I\'ve got my eyes on you!\'

Unbeknown to the City of Dawn, a duel between a zealous librarian and a trickster duo (Jack/MVP fox) had just begun! So insignificant, yet one that would mold History…

Jack smiled in satisfaction as he saw the notifications:

[Welcome to the Dawn Royal Library!]

[Ding! Tier 1 Access Granted!]

The place\'s interior was world-view-shattering. There were Grimoires everywhere! Heck, some seemed alive?! Also, why did it seem more spacious than the building\'s facade?!

Then on the sides, one could see plenty of ancient stairways protected by glowing barriers. Near each was a plaque describing access restrictions. It went as follows:

Floor 2 —> Bronze

Floor 3 —> Silver

Floor 4 —> Gold

Floor 5 —> Platinum

Jack currently had an Iron Token, the lowliest and easiest to steal. This meant he\'d only be able to browse the first floor, but it would be enough.

"Books, books, so many books! Jackpot!"

He went forward, bypassing the reception desk. But instantly, the youngster manning it blocked their way! His nameplate read: | Ash ~ Probationary Assistant Librarian! |

"Welcome to the Dawn Library! Is this your first visit here? What kind of books are you looking for? Let me take this cloak off your hands!" He was overwhelmingly friendly!

The MVP fox instantly backed away. Taking its cloak?!

"No need, I\'ll browse on my own."

"No, Sir, that won\'t do!"

The air turned icy.

Both just stood there, one even smiling, yet why did it feel like they\'d duke it out any moment now?! Some patrons saw this, feeling like they had gone crazy.

Since when had customer service become THIS aggressive?! Also… why did it feel like the two were in "battle of wits" mode?! Were they love rivals or something?

"I\'m sure you have plenty on your plate already."

"Hehe, nothing this one can\'t handle. Now, tell me, , what are you seeking?" The customer part sounded odd, as if the man knew Jack was a fraud! How?!

Then again, that didn\'t matter. At the moment, the guy was still trying to sense his intentions, so he probably only had suspicions. If that\'s how he wanted to play it…

Jack instantly changed his mind. \'Want to watch me closely? Have fun! Let\'s see who breaks first, you or me!\' He inwardly chuckled. This would be so entertaining!

"I see… then I\'ll gladly accept!" Jack finally relented, the librarian showing a victorious smile. "Do you guys have any picture books?" He finished, the man\'s smile turning stiff.

Picture books?! Seriously?! As if someone would impersonate a Library Member just to see picture books! This was obviously a way to buy time! Ash bloody didn\'t believe it! Still…

"Of course, we have plenty! Please follow me, Sir!"

The two made their way toward the children\'s section. By now, the few bystanders were utterly confused. Was there some hidden meaning to it, or was he trolling?!

It didn\'t take long for an extremely shady-looking man to sit at a table, a bunch of picture books in front of him:

| The Wingless Fairy! |

| The Little Duck that Could! |

| Friendly Neighborhood Cthulhu! |

Then he began to…seriously study them?! This seemed so ridiculous!

Ash kept watching over him from a distance, convinced this was all a ploy. The man was waiting for him to lower his guard to enact whatever nefarious plan he had!

Thus one kept reading, and one kept nervously watching! Yet little did everyone know… Jack was earnestly studying! After all, learning a new language was HARD!

By now, he knew how to speak and understand common, but reading it was yet another struggle. He\'d stare at the pages almost resentfully:

"አማልክት ብቻ የሚያውቁ ቃላቶች! ማለት ይቻላል..."

\'You, just you wait! I\'ll understand you soon enough!\'

He kept reading and reading, slowly deciphering it all! He was relentless, propelled by his love of magic. Soon enough, he\'d be reading Grimoires!

At the end of the day, he only knew a couple of new words, but he felt like it was the greatest achievement ever. As the library closed, he happily returned home.

As for the token they had borrowed? A fox had been sent on a tactical mission to return it to its rightful owner! This only left the overly suspicious Ash as a loose end…

The librarian still hadn\'t given up: \'So what if you haven\'t shown your true colors just yet? You won\'t be able to keep this charade forever! I\'ll definitely expose you!\'

But little did the librarian realize the ride he was in for…

Jack returned to the library the next day with another entry token. Once again, he spent the day reading children\'s books! But then he kept doing it, day after day!

For an entire week, all he did was read picture books! That\'s when Ash began doubting both their sanity. What the heck was wrong with this guy?!

The poor librarian couldn\'t take it anymore. Doing his job to perfection while stalking the same guy every day was so freaking tiring!

In the end, he finally reached out to his superior:

"Sir, I have something to report!"

"W-what happened to you?!"

The poor librarian looked about to kick the bucket! His complexion was ashen, his eyes sunken, and his lips stuck in a perpetual grimace.

"It\'s like this: someone\'s been stealing tokens and…" the more he explained, the stranger the story became. Even the wise superior couldn\'t make head or tail of it.

He stole, but no one ever complained?! He read only children\'s books, nothing else? He had only ever stolen Iron tokens?! That day, the superior went to see the situation for himself!

"Hehe, here, watch this." He used a spell that would allow him to peer through flames! He\'d spy on the man using the candle he held near the book. This was perfect!

But as he cast… the spell was instantly extinguished! The mysterious man hadn\'t even moved a muscle?! The superior shivered: "An expert, an expert for sure!"

As for the MVP fox, it imperceptibly moved. Why was its tummy acting up now?! Had it known, it wouldn\'t have eaten flame-resistant rocks!

Seeing the movement, the superior felt cold sweat on his back. This had been so damn close! Good thing the expert was absorbed in his reading.

He turned toward the poor Ash:

"Let him read whatever he wants. Someone as strong can get tokens legally anyway. He probably just has kids. Above all, DO NOT antagonize him!"

The silly fox had just saved Jack, yet he was too busy to notice…

[Ding! Learned to Read and Write!]

[Self-Taught Title Upgraded!]

[You Feel Smarter!]


He was so glad. Back then, he had taken literacy for granted, but only now did he realize how nice and convenient it was!

Now, he simply had to deal with the suspicious Ash. After all, the latter wouldn\'t just let him browse magic-related stuff, right?

But as he turned his head, he had the shock of his life. Not only did the poor librarian look sickly, but why did he suddenly seem… scared of him?!

"I-is there anything I can help you find?!"

"… Books about magic?"

Ash bolted, grabbing the perfect Grimoire for the occasion. If the man was doing this for his kids… then he\'d want something introductory, right?

| Archmage Dainsleff\'s Guide to Magic! |

But as Jack saw the name, he suddenly froze. Wait, wasn\'t this guy the author of the previous picture books? Why would an archmage write children\'s stories?! What if?!

Merely seconds afterward, he rushed back to the picture books….

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