Classless Reincarnation

Chapter 27 Amazing Treasure!

"This is the target?"

Jack\'s party was eying a large Manor-like building oozing with flames all over. It looked like the most exquisite palace-like oven they\'d ever seen.

"So this is this place\'s treasury? It doesn\'t look like it will be easy to invade. What about the Flames? Are they similar to the Flame Barrier? Would they recognize me?"

The foxes shook their heads. As for Jack\'s ghostly teacher, he was determined not to go anywhere near those! As a ghost, the fiery yang energy was akin to poison to him.

"Kid, it\'s your call. You can brave the Flames, but it\'s perilous. The best I can teach you is an Anti-Heat Barrier Spell, but you\'ll have to do the rest alone."

"Woo? Woo!" (Alone? You can count on us, Master!)

The foxes were already thumping their chests! No matter Jack\'s decision, they\'d follow and help! The latter merely hesitated an instant. "We\'re going in! We need to try, at least!"

The ghost couldn\'t help but nod approvingly. This new student of his sure was gutsy! He happily transmitted his knowledge. The trick with an Anti-Heat Barrier was to use Mana to insulate the wielder.

Before long, Jack could be seen braving the flames, a thin layer of magical light around him. He reached for the Palace\'s door and…

[Intense Heat Detected!]

[Better Bring a Water Bucket!]

Why did it feel like the system was trolling him?! Just the entrance felt like he\'d get roasted whole, his barrier already faltering. He\'d definitely die in there! He quickly retreated.

As for the foxes, they showed pitiful expressions. They would have gone alone, but they weren\'t allowed, like how they couldn\'t technically leave the Flame Mansion. (Protecting Jack > All Orders!)

Seeing his pensive expression, the ghost chuckled.

"There\'s no need to be too dejected. Knowing one\'s limits is already a good start. We can always try this Dawn City you told me about. Of course, the stuff we need is rare and will be well-protected, but…."

"Who said I gave up?" Jack interrupted him before turning to his fox troops. They were already pulling their tongues at the ghost. \'You\'re underestimating Master too much! Master is SMART!\'

"We\'ll play a game! This one will be called FOX Hyper Ultra Duper Mecha Mode to the MAX! Here, let me explain the rules…." Jack shared his new plan.

Under the shell-shocked eyes of a ghost, the foxes began gathering around his student and… combining?! They all climbed on his body as if trying to create a gigantic fluffy fox ball!

"W-what is this?!" The shock made the ghost\'s body turn even more transparent for an instant. What kind of shenanigans was this?! But then it began….


The fox ball began moving, Jack in the middle of it! He didn\'t just use his magic to protect himself, but the foxes too! Luckily, the fiery creatures were naturally very resistant to Fire!

Thus a gigantic fox ball invaded the Flame Mansion\'s treasury! They didn\'t just breach its doors. They totally broke them down! It was as if a fluffy orange tornado was passing by!

"Listen well! We\'ll do like birds when they\'re flying in formation. Only the outer ball layer will bear the brunt of the flames! Whenever you feel like you can\'t take the heat anymore, ROTATE!"

"Woo!" (Like birds?! So cool!)

"Now, you guys will need to be my eyes and ears. We need to find magical catalysts, which should be shiny materials. We need to be looking for…." He began describing.

"Woo!" (We\'ll find all the treasure, Master!)

Jack could only keep his magic going as he believed in them. After all, his entire field of view was filled with orange fur and silly faces. \'You guys got this, I believe!\'

Thus strange sounds kept escaping the treasury as they progressed. This proved that they were not only still alive but very lively. The ghost waiting outside couldn\'t believe it. This idea was GENIUS!

As for Jack, he was surprised by the fox ball suddenly stopping. "What happened? Did we run into a lock?" He sent the most expressive fox as recon.

"Woo! Woo!" (Not at all, Master! We\'re here!)

Already? Jack quickly ordered his foxes to move their formation slightly to create the tiniest tunnel. He then focused all his Heat Barrier and peeked through like a window.

Before long, an enchanting vision revealed itself to him, so fascinating that he lost control of his magic for a second, the flames roasting his face! It was…

Massive fiery mountains with a deep valley between them. They seemed softer than marshmallows and glistered with a thin layer of water. They even seemed alive as they heaved up and down as—

Before Jack sat the Flame Lord, in a meditative posture, taking deep inspirations as she trained…. utterly naked! That\'s when Jack\'s brain short-circuited. Who was he?! Where was he?! Why was he here?!

Seeing him go blank, the foxes reassured:

"Woo! Woo!" (Don\'t worry, Master. She only wakes up if attacked!)

"Don\'t worry, your ass! We\'re here searching for treasure, TREASURE! What are you all thinking?! This is completely unacceptable!" Jack angrily berated.

"Woo?" (Master, the treasure\'s right there!)

A confused fox pointed toward the Flame Lord\'s finger. There was a silver ring that looked incredibly detailed and elegant. This thing was obviously something not only precious but also magical.

That\'s when he understood. This was a storage ring, wasn\'t it? He had heard of those in stories, magical jewelry that allowed one to store items in a sub-space.

The Foxes had naively planned to steal from the Flame Lord\'s ring, then bring it back to her, just as they had done with the civilians back at the market.

It was nice thinking in theory, yet Jack could only sigh deeply.

"This won\'t work. I\'m ready to bet my left nut that this ring\'s trapped, and it won\'t end well if we take it." After all, his Danger Sense kept activating whenever he looked at it!

"Woo?!" (Really?! But we\'re so close!)

The foxes were reluctant to leave. Couldn\'t they take just a small risk now that they were here? They could always be the ones to snatch it if their Master was worried to—


Jack could see right through them.

He hurriedly sounded the retreat, his party leaving the "Treasury" as quickly as they had come, Jack explaining to them the concept of "Sunk cost fallacy" on the way back.

"Even if you\'re so close… you can\'t let greed or a fear of loss cloud your judgment. Remember this, will you? You\'re all very precious to me."

Before long, the party reappeared.

Jack\'s face was burnt in a few places, they had come back empty-handed, and the foxes were all tear-eyed… but why did those seem like tears of happiness?!

"What happened in the—"

"What happens in the Flame Mansion stays in the Flame Mansion. C\'mon, let\'s get to Dawn City instead. Perhaps we\'ll have better luck there."

Somehow, Jack sounded so mysterious a the moment! As the ghost followed his new student, he again found himself perplexed. Who the heck was this kid?!

Little did he know that he had merely seen the surface of Jack\'s craziness…


Jack Bright (Classless)


BODY 9 (STR 3 / AGI 3 / RES 3)

SOUL 44 ( MAGIC 8 / SENSE 17 / WILL 19)



- Walked Away from a Wonder! (Will +1)

- Basic Mana Barrier (F)


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