Born a Monster

Chapter 161

Chapter 61


[You have been struck by a YELLOW critical for x2 damage. You have received 24 points of Lacerating/Slashing damage; after armor, you have taken 18 points of damage. You have 12/30 health remaining.]

[You have received Serious Wounds: Severed Arm, Bleeding: 3]

I said something like, “Blaryarble!” while clamping down on the pressure point in the upper arm to help slow the spray of blood.

The Fenris playfully shook the part of my arm that it had before swallowing. Whether she meant to or not, she barreled into Narces, sending them both sprawling.


Gamilla took a quick thrust at the Fenris, but she was too fast for that. She was back on her feet, and moving toward Narces.

[Resist Bleeding successful. You now have Bleeding:2. You have taken four points of Bleeding damage. 8/30 health remain.]

“Rhishi?” A flare of flame (brighter than the sunlight) highlighted the worry on her face. Narces screamed in pain, causing Kismet to look that way in horror.

“Aid Gamilla.” I said. “I’ll live.”

“No... we can’t...”

“Kismet! We resist or we die! We can’t outrun her!”

“Oh gods!” she said, drawing her weapon and running off to where Gamilla was fighting the Fenris.

[Resist Bleeding successful. You now have Bleeding:1. You have taken three points of Bleeding damage. 5/30 health remain.]

I was going to live. I was probably going to pass out from the pain, but I was going to live.

“Dimmihammas!” Madonna shrieked, “Coward! Get back here!” And then, “Get it OFF! Get it OFF!”

I was on my feet again. When had that happened? Narces was down, his bow a shattered smoking ruin. Madonna was in trouble, arms firmly lodged in the chin of the Fenris. Gamilla was bleeding from a leg wound. Crap. We were LOSING.

I took a deep breath, knowing what my contract with Madonna, my duties to my friends, required. I hid my stump behind my shield, and called out, “Taunt. HEY BITCH! You’d better get this puppy of yours from me before I break its scrawny neck!”

It shouldn’t have worked. She’d EATEN that arm, and if she’d taken even a casual thought, she’d have known I was bluffing. Even if I’d had that arm, when had I been anywhere near her children?

It shouldn’t have worked. But it did.

She must have been saving Flash Step or something similar, because she was RIGHT THERE, throwing her full weight against my round bamboo shield.

It held for the first blow, broke on the second, and then ceased to exist as an object.

she howled,

[-1/30 health remain. You are at negative health, and will experience a period of unconsciousness.]

I sent back.

she demanded, shaking me so hard that anything resembling consciousness left me.


In any just universe, I’d have died there. The Cousin of Fenris would have torn us all to shreds, and fed those shreds to her children.

[Willpower test success. You have regained consciousness. You have -1/30 health remaining.]

Someone had laid me down across a log in mid-river.

“We... we won?” I asked.

“If by won, you mean we fled like cowards, then yes.” Madonna said. “We’ve won.”

My eyes wouldn’t focus on her, but I could smell the blood. Hers, Gamilla’s, Kismet’s... mine.

“Where is Narces?” I asked.

“He’s not likely to make it, ambassador.” Gamilla said. “It... got hold of his head. His neck isn’t broken, but his skull...” She didn’t sob, but she couldn’t say more.

This was my fault. I had led us along this quest line.

Madonna draped her good arm over Gamilla. “He wants to be cremated if he dies here, right? I ... I can do that much for him.”

“Thank you.” Gamilla said, and let loose with her tears. Kismet was also there, lending her support.

I just lay there, all but oblivious to the paltry fish nibbling on dangling bits of my muscle, sinews, and blood vessels.

My neck, supported by the log, hurt worse than ... no, I could remember a time when it hurt more. I could count those times on my remaining fingers, but they were there.

For a time when I was [Feverish], [Woozy], [Anemic], and [Barely Conscious], my mind was surprisingly clear. I knew what I needed to say about Narces.

“Feed him and get him a healing potion.” I said.

Someone bounced a rock off my head.

“She’s already done that, you insensitive BOOB!”

[Your pain threshold has exceeded your remaining health. You will experience a time of unconsciousness.]

When I next awakened, Narces had left us.

I am told that Madonna led the prayer, of all people, and that she did a credible job at it. They told me the Fenris and two of her daughters joined those at the pyre, putting the broken fragments of his bow upon the blaze.

I didn’t need to be told the subtext. Narces was dead because of me. Because I had led us into a trap, because I had failed to consider, even presented with evidence that the Fenris by far outclassed us, that we might end up here.

That didn’t stop Gamilla from putting her foot into my lower back. “Now, bastard, we’re going to talk before you die.”

[Your pain threshold has exceeded your remaining health. You will experience a time of unconsciousness.]

Sometime in the next two days, Gamilla decided to hurt me in a different way.

[Your health is now 1/30. You are conscious.]

It was night... no, wait, the forest... no, it was night.

Someone had set up the tent, and lugged me into a hammock. From before I could walk, I hated having my back toward the ground. I lacked the energy to work up any kind of emotions about it now.

I just lay there, listening to their breathing. I could smell them as well, Kismet and Madonna.

And nobody else.


In the morning, I had my petty vengeance, frying up the fish I could get my hands (okay, hand) on atop maize grits and raspberries, flavored with salt and garlic.

“Someone is feeling better.” Madonna said. “Tell me you washed the pans before cooking.”

“I will tell you no lies.”

“Whatever. You’ll make HER sick before me, anyway. I’m going to drowse until breakfast is ready.”

What? What had I done to offend Madonna?

I had spoken to ... multiple someones... while partially conscious. What had I SAID to her?

[Serious Physical Injuries: Severed Arm (healing), Dizzy, Anemic, Infected Stump]

[Serious Mental Injuries: Phantom Limb, Mortal Immortality Complex]

[Serious Emotional Injuries: Missing Limb, Survivor’s Guilt, Emotionally Overwhelmed]

What? I didn’t remember asking my System that, but I must have. The System never provided status information like that without being asked.

Realizing the grits were beginning to burn, I removed them from the fire before laying down and just lay down. Just a few minutes rest on the soft leaves and ground...

[You have accepted a quest!]

Wait, I did WHAT?

[Mandatory Goal: Shadowfur must survive. Reward: ten quest points. Unachieved.

Mandatory Goal: Stop the Norvik of Lavin Buscala from hunting Shadowfur and her children. Reward: ten quest points. Unachieved.

Optional Goal: Eight children of Shadowfur must survive. Reward: one quest point each. 0/8 points attained.

Optional: Slay Sigmund Findseth. Reward: 5 quest points, double reward if his body is eaten by Shadowfur’s children. Unachieved.

Optional: Slay Olaf Findseth. Reward: 5 quest points. Unachieved.

Optional: Slay Victor Findseth. Reward: 5 quest points. Unachieved.

Optional: Slay Sindre Eriksen. Reward: 5 quest points. Unachieved.]

My eyes shot open. They were looking directly into a pair of yellow-brown eyes.


I asked.

she asked.

From red, a hostile aura, to green, an allied aura. I’d heard about such things, from those who had opened their reticule. Good to know it actually worked.

“Are you INSANE?” Madonna asked.

Kismet pawed at her eyes, especially the one swollen shut. “Yeah, we said the same thing when he married you.”

It felt really weird to be saying and sending the same words at the same time.

Not all truths need to be told.

“All right, I’m ready. Where is Gamilla?”

Madonna shrugged at Kismet.

“Rhishi, she’s hurting. I need you to not get all vengeful.”

“I can’t summon up the energy just now.”

“Good, because she, um... kinda...”

“She betrayed you.” Madonna said, “Does that mean I can burn her to a cinder and feast on the sorrow her soul contains?”

“I’ll take that under advisement.” I said.

“Rhishi! You promised.”

“I guess I’d best know more details, first. What, exactly, has happened since the battle?”


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