Inside the Cave of Obscenity

Chapter Volume 1 22: Maid & Sister 2

There were no people around.

The maid, who would normally take care of her, was nowhere to be seen, and she was alone.

The view outside from the window was almost dusk. If the sun were to sink a little further, the night would soon fall.

The queen of this country, who finally had a little free time in this hour, was walking down the corridor while frowning her brow.

She was walking slightly faster than usual.

The reason for this was that she was thinking...... and troubled.

This morning, the captain of the knights told her about a problem. And not only the knights but also the magicians were thinking about how to solve the problem.

The problem was the monsters that had invaded the royal capital.

Until midday yesterday, when two or three people went missing...... they thought it to be bandits who had infiltrated the castle town or mentally ill individuals.

But no.

Last night, more than a dozen residents disappeared, half of them were soldiers selected from the knightly order to patrol the castle town.

It was out of the ordinary.

The soldiers who had been on alert because they knew that a dangerous person was wandering around the city at night had also disappeared.

There were two possible explanations.

Either hoped that there were dangerous people in the castle town...... or that monsters were breeding in places that Leticia and the others were unaware of.

Leticia recalled the appearance of Fiana and Alfira heading back to the abandoned mine to subdue the monster.

And what they both said were.

A monster that could impregnate...... a woman.

They said that they had "dealt with" the monster\'s semen in their wombs on the way back to the city, but what if they hadn\'t?

What if something happened to Fiana and Alfira when they spent the night in the infirmary?

Then, it would make sense.

Something was wrong in the capital ever since after Fiana and Alfira had gone to the abandoned mine to subdue the monster again.

There was no evidence.

The number of missing people had been increasing, but there were no eyewitnesses.

They didn\'t even know where the soldiers were when they went missing. It was late at night and people had already had gone to bed, and no one had even heard the screams, let alone see it.

Rather, perhaps they should assume that everyone who heard the scream was attacked.

Leticia wondered if a simple slime could do such things, even though it was a mutated species that could impregnate people.

Leticia asked herself again what she had been thinking about while she was discussing with the captain earlier.

The information about the slime had already been presented.

The commander looked as though to say "why didn\'t you tell me about it from the beginning" but when she told him that it was impregnating women...... and that the mothers were Fiana and Alfira, who belonged to the knight order, he became silent.

That was probably true.

The problem that was causing a stir in the royal capital... Yes, if the origin was two women of the same knight order, it would be a complete disgrace.

In fact, the chief of the magic division and some of the nobles were trying to denounce the knight commander for the matter. If Leticia hadn\'t interrupted them, it would have been an unproductive meeting.

Although it was not her intention, it was unreasonable that Leticia was silent about the existence of the slime but no one was speaking about it.

Or maybe it was because they decided that it would be more beneficial for them to criticize the knight commander than to blame Leticia, who was well supported by the residents of the royal capital.

Either way, it was a relief for Leticia.

What was decided at the meeting was to start looking for the slime instead of criminals tonight.

It was decided that the residents of the capital would not be informed and that the Knights Order and the Magic Division would search together.

The two factions were quite difficult to deal with, but Leticia thought that they would not pull each other\'s leg if they were in danger.

Tonight, not only the soldiers but also the knights and mages who knew how to fight would be on patrol.

Even if they were taken by surprise, they would not be outdone by a slime.

Even so, there was a hint of uneasiness on her face...... Leticia shook her head lightly and denied her anxiety.

Even though it was in the limited space of the abandoned mine, it was still a slime that could catch someone as skilled as Fiana. The slime seemed to be a completely unpredictable entity.

She wondered if her intuition had dulled because she had been away from fighting for a long time.

Leticia analyzed her thoughts and stroked the edge of the window with her lace-gloved hand.

Even at this time of night, there was not a speck of dust on the well-cleaned, well-maintained windows, and the windows showed the other side beautifully.

A beautiful city.

A beautiful city that had been developed by the hero and would continue to develop more.

She wouldn\'t let the city be cast by the shadow of a monster, as Leticia sighed.

If her husband...... the hero, was still here, these problems would be taken care of in no time at all.

The young man who was summoned from the other world was strangely quick-witted and sometimes acted as though he fully understood the consequences of his actions.

In this problem too, the hero would have told her where the slime was lurking and how to ambush it to kill it easily...... However, he was no longer in this world.

He had already returned to his world....... Leaving behind his daughters, Meltia and Maria, and the memories that would never fade in her heart.

Sometimes, when she got lost like this, she would remember.

Memories with him.

Memories of running after his back.

People call it loneliness, and Leticia understood that feeling.

Even though she was a long-lived elf - a half-elf, half-man - Leticia had a long time ahead of her.

It was a bit difficult to live with only memories in her heart.

But for now, and from time to time, she knew that it was okay to remember the past.

Leticia\'s first love. A love that had come true. But now, it was a feeling that would never return.

......She wondered how much time she spent looking down on the castle town from the window.

The sun was slightly sinking and the blue sky was about to turn red.

Then footsteps echoed in the deserted corridor.

They didn\'t belong to Leticia.

They were heavy, slow, or in other words, sluggish footsteps.

Hearing the sound, Leticia\'s consciousness, which had been submerged in a sea of thoughts, came back. When she turned her gaze toward the sound, she saw Druid surrounded by several of his attendants walking toward Leticia from the other side.

Even though he was dressed in luxurious clothes, it could not hide his plump abdomen, the man got a little fatter than before, and the boundary between his chin and neck was flabby.

Although there was not much distance from them to the place where Leticia was, sweat was pouring on his forehead and he was slightly out of breath.

When Druid came in front of Leticia, he gave her a bow.

"Well, good day to you, Queen Leticia."

"You too... looked healthy, Lord Druid."

By the way, was it okay to say that an obese man was called healthy even if it was flattery?

Druid who was told that hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Leticia\'s face with a smile that made Leticia\'s mouth twitch, as though he was flattered that the queen had called him as such.

The surrounding men stepped back from where Druid was and stood up straight, not moving.

"What brings you to this place?"

"I was looking at the city."

"The city?"

As though caught by Leticia\'s words, Druid also turned his gaze to the castle town visible from the window.

However, it was only for a moment.

Pretending to look out the window, he turned his gaze to Leticia...... who wore a pure white dress with extravagant ornaments, and above all, to her ample breasts, which rose greatly by her dress.

Casually, and only for a moment.

Her breasts, lifted by the dress and corset, emphasized her breasts, and so rich for a slender elf.

Druid knew that Leticia herself was aware of her attractiveness and often wore dresses with a large opening in the bust area.

She had a deep cleavage and beautifully white skin as smooth as silk. All men who were looking at her were drawn to this part of her body with an evil intention, and Druid was no exception.

For a moment, he paid close attention not to let Leticia notice him staring.

Perhaps he was careful, new beads of sweat spilled from Druid\'s forehead.

"It\'s a beautiful city, isn\'t it?"


As the satisfied druid was about to leave after greeting her, he saw a figure walking in the courtyard under the window.

A girl with beautiful silver hair, just like Leticia.

What she was wearing was the uniform of the magic academy in this country. A navy blue jacket and a pleated skirt made mainly of black fabric with a white pattern on the hem.

It was a uniform, which seemed to be common clothing for students in the hero\'s world.

Meltia, Leticia\'s daughter.

The eldest daughter, who had inherited her mother\'s beauty, she must be returning from the academy. Druid thought that the absence of her sister Maria was probably because she was holed up in the school library.

"It seems that Meltia-sama has returned."


Druid thought it was a good excuse.

Leticia, a mother, and the queen who cared for her daughters, didn\'t have many opportunities to talk with them, even though they live in the same castle.

Today\'s work ended with the meeting earlier, and now that she had some free time, he figured she would probably go to her daughter\'s room, and Druid didn\'t want to disturb her, so he took a step back then bowed.

"I will take my leave then."

After making sure that Leticia heard his words, Druid began to return the way he came.

There was no particular reason for him to go this way. He had seen Leticia and had simply approached her to catch a glimpse of her beauty.

She thought that Druid was paying attention to her situation, so she smiled and resumed walking.

Of course, the destination was her daughter\'s room.

She had a lot to think about, but she wanted to spend time with her daughter.

Besides, she was also wondering if the academy was okay with the problems happening in the castle town.

Since her daughters study at the academy, she thought she\'d ask them if there were any strange rumors regarding their problem, different from what the soldiers said.

Rustle, rustle.

The fresh grass growing on the ground made a sound.

However, it was not swayed by the breeze.

Between the grasses, it was there.

It was a black object about the size of a fist. It was too soft to be called a stone, and even though it was black, it was not completely black, and looking hard enough, the bottom could be seen from inside of the soft body.

The thing, which seemed like a slightly transparent, murky glass, moved slowly through the grass.

Earlier, It felt mana.

The slime that had been mimicking the stones lying on the ground was the slime that had flowed out of the sewers last night, it blended in with the darkness of the night, reached the royal capital, and made its way into the garden of the royal castle.

The slime, which used to be so large that it could swallow a man, had adjusted its mass and had now shrunk to the size of a fist.

It was a mimicry ability that the Black Ooze, the original slime, also used.

It turned into a stone, waited for its prey to pass by, and then followed it.

In addition to this slime, many other slimes had sneaked into the royal castle.

Similarly, there were more than a dozen slimes in the courtyard, but they were not even seen by anyone.

Knights, soldiers, maids, and nobles.

There were many beings with mana in the castle. Each slime followed them, one slime, one being, and going to attack them when they were completely off guard.

They chased not only in the royal castle but also to their houses if they didn\'t get a chance.

No matter how experienced the knights and magicians were at fighting, there was nothing they could do if they were attacked while they were asleep.

Above all, the slime just invaded last night. And even though the sun had already set, there was still a lot of time before people went to sleep.

It would be difficult for an ordinary slime to follow its target for such a long time without being noticed.

There was a high possibility that they would lose their concentration and their presence would be noticed.

However, there was no such thing as "concentration" in a slime, it didn\'t breathe, it was frozen like a stone, and it didn\'t even feel impatience from waiting for its prey to fall asleep.

There was no brain for them to think.

They just followed their instincts and waited for the moment when their prey dropped its guard.

The slime also started to follow the being that had just passed through the courtyard.

It was slowly pushing through the grass and started moving.

What the slime was chasing was a girl with beautiful silver hair down to her waist. She was wearing a navy blue jacket, a white blouse, and a black pleated skirt.

The length of the skirt was just above the knee, which was often said to be a little too short in this world where people were still not familiar with uniforms.

In the hero\'s world, this was common, and it was not even talked about while the hero was still here, but now that the hero returned, hard-headed knights and magicians often see it as a problem.

Indeed, it was a short skirt.

The girl\'s thin, supple legs were in full view, and if she crouched down, her underwear would be visible inside the skirt.

But that was only if the one looking crouched down too.

Or if someone was lucky enough to look up under the skirt.

It was a problem that could have been prevented if the girls had been careful and attentive to the length of their skirts, and being royalty, Meltia was always careful about that.

However, the monster was crawling on the ground.

The slime didn\'t care, but from its position, Meltia\'s lovely buttocks were in full view.

She was a beautiful princess who attracted the attention of the boys at the magic academy.

Many boys fantasized about her wearing only underwear and her naked body.

How amazing was the color of her underwear when she took off her clothes?

Meltia was shorter than most girls her age, but her breasts, clad in a navy blue jacket and blouse, swayed softly and asserted their presence even though they were wrapped in clothes and supported by underwear.

The ribbon on the chest part of her white blouse, representing her grade, was red.

However, Meltia\'s ribbon was slightly distorted.

The cause of that was the soft bulge that richly revitalized her uniform.

Her beautiful breasts swayed so much that she could almost hear them swaying when she walked, and their shape and size could be easily visualized from above her clothes.

The size of her breasts was close to that of her mother, Leticia. If the young Meltia was the same age as Leticia...... or even the age when her mother was traveling with the hero, imagining that those two mounds would richly grow like that, the boys were looking forward to seeing that.

And that was not the only thing that made Meltia attractive.

Seeing the bulge on her chest, her shoulders were slender, and her waist was surprisingly thin.

She was so attractive that her teachers said that despite her slender frame, her breasts were as big as an adult\'s.

Her height and small size were unbalanced in addition to her swelling breasts.

A girl whose beauty and body were envied not only by the males but also by females.

The girl was regarded as sacred because she was a member of the royal family, but from the slime\'s point of view (I\'m not sure if the slime had a point of view) the underwear that was in full view from the slime\'s position was not so sacred.

It was adult underwear with luxurious lace decorations.

The underwear, made of white fabric and black lace, had a small area of fabric that slightly invaded her fleshy buttocks as the shape was emphasized just like with her breasts.

The line marks were obscene.

Not knowing that a slime was peeking at her underwear, Meltia headed to her room.

She didn\'t dislike the school uniform, but it was still a bit tiring to wear when she was going somewhere else.

She went back to her room to change into her pajamas as quickly as possible and closed the thick wooden door.

Exhaling heavily, she threw the bag she was using in school onto the bed and sat down forcefully, and avoided the bag.

The luxurious canopied bed was too big for Meltia to sleep alone, but she had slept in this bed all her life, so she didn\'t care anymore.

When she jump slightly to sit down on the bed, her skirt rolled up slightly. Her smooth thighs and the underwear that was hidden by her skirt were revealed for a moment, but they were hidden as the skirt was pulled down by gravity.

Then, a little distracted, Meltia lay down on the bed in her uniform.

Her beautiful silver hair just liked her mother\'s spread out on the bed.

"Haah... I\'m tired"

She said it in a carefree voice that she didn\'t use even in front of her mother, and closed her eyes for a moment.

Meltia\'s room, where she had relaxed her entire body in that way―― a black mucus entered through the gap in the closed door.

The door was completely closed, but it was not sealed enough to keep the liquid from going inside.

The slime entered the room and crawled straight to the bed where Meltia was lying.

"School... It\'s fun but, I\'m getting tired of it, I can\'t wait to become an adult."

With her eyes closed, Meltia said that.

It was a normal child\'s desire to grow up quickly. Her voice was somewhat sleepy and lacked any sense of urgency.

Lying on the bed, Meltia\'s legs swayed lazily.

The setting sun shining through the window illuminated the room, and the glow gradually faded.

In the room, a slime the size of a fist was crawling and moving on the soft carpet.

Meltia didn\'t notice it. Her gaze was fixed on the canopy of the bed, and her eyes were powerless, as though she might fall asleep in any minute now.

Shall I sleep until dinner?

As she thought that.

The slime arrived at the foot of the bed where Meltia was lying.

However, it did not climb on the bed but waited for a moment, and then it went under the bed.

The slime completely disappeared from sight. What it was aiming for were the thin legs that were still swaying under the bed.

She took off her boots and socks. If the slime touched her exposed feet, it could neutralize her with paralyzing poison.

The slime moved to do that.

Little by little, little by little.

From time to time, Meltia\'s white legs peeked out from between the sheets hanging down from the bed. Her legs were thin and supple, but not lacking in flesh.

Her skin was tight because she was young, and her legs were well-trained because she exercised at the academy every day.

Her feet landed on the carpet.

"Well, mother would get angry if I still keep wearing my uniform."

Her drowsy voice woke up and Meltia got up from the bed.

She dexterously avoided the slime that had almost reached her feet and headed for the dressing table.

Beside the table, there were several closets containing clothes, and she opened one of them.

When she opened the double-door closet, she found several colorful dresses.

She picked up one of them and hung it on the chair in front of the dressing table. She chose a sky blue dress.

The translucent blue was Meltia\'s favorite color.

She unbuttoned her navy blue jacket and hung it on the back of another chair. Next, the blouse.

She slowly unbuttoned the buttons on her blouse, one by one, starting from the top, which was even whiter than Meltia\'s white skin.

Her skin was exposed. Not a single blotch of skin, untainted by anyone.

The skin that had never been seen by a man\'s eyes was gradually revealing.

When the buttons were undone, the full-length image of Meltia, half-naked, was reflected in the mirror.

Her height was short, her shoulders narrow. However, her breasts, supported by her underwear, showed a deep cleavage.

It was obvious that her underwear was not the right size, and her breasts, which did not match her height, were about to fall out of her underwear.

The luxurious underwear with black lace embroidery on a white background was made by a famous underwear maker.

This was very adult-like underwear for Meltia, who was still a girl even though she was a member of the royal family.

After unbuttoning her blouse, she hung it on the chair where she had hung her uniform jacket.

She then unhooked her skirt, bent her knees, and pulled it off her legs.

Her pure white underwear, with the same design as her bra, were now exposed.

These underwear, were not the right sizes, as they slightly encroached on her ample flesh. This was because the girl was embarrassed to buy underwear.

After all, Meltia\'s breasts and buttocks were big.

Her breasts and buttocks were bigger than anyone else\'s in her age group, and the shopkeeper was looking at her strangely when she bought underwear.

Of course, it was a female, and sometimes she even talked about it with her friends at school.

However, Meltia\'s breasts and buttocks, which were disproportionately large for her height, were always looked at with envy and teased by her peers.

She was so embarrassed, that she didn\'t have the courage to buy new underwear, even though she knew it wasn\'t the right size.


Meltia looked at her reflection in the mirror and let out a sigh.

"Is it getting bigger again?"

She scooped up her breasts, which were supported by her underwear, with her hands. They were so soft that they change shapes, making her cleavage even deeper.

Meltia let out another sigh as she watched her breasts change shape in a soft and lewd way.

Her friends envy her large breasts, but Meltia was not so happy about it.

If they got any bigger, it would be even more difficult to support them with her current underwear, and she would have to buy new underwear. There weren\'t many women with tits as big as Meltia\'s, and it was hard to find the right size.

Above all, it was the boys\' eyes.

Even though she hid her big tits not only with her underwear, but also with her jacket and blouse, it would only take her big tits to sway with her slightest gesture to attract the attention of boys, and even though that was embarrassing enough, sweat quickly accumulated in the cleavage of her breasts.

There were not many places where she could wipe the sweat off, as it was uncomfortable to just leave it there.

She was not so shameless as to expose her breasts in public.

The breasts that her friends envied were inconvenient in many ways.

Meltia let out a sigh as she cupped her growing breasts in her hands again.

Even in the privacy of her room, it would be silly for her to be doing this while she was in her underwear.

Behind Meltia.

As she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she didn\'t notice the slime creeping up behind her.

The carpet muffled the sound of the crawling, and the view only showed up to her ankles, so she could not see the slime crawling on the floor.

"What should I do――"

She reached for her pajamas.

It was that moment.


She stepped on something. Meltia felt it and looked down―― she fell to her knees.


She landed on her buttocks while still wearing her underwear and looked at her trembling legs.

They have no power.

She moved her trembling legs, but they didn\'t budge an inch.

Confused and wondering what she had stepped on, she looked down and saw a black mucus-like object moving slowly on the carpet.

She knew it was mucus because its wavy surface glistened dully as it bounced off the sunlight streaming in through the window.

It took a moment for Meltia to realize what she had stepped on.


Meltia was a girl who hated bugs. And it was unpleasant as bugs.

She reflexively tried to scream, but her mouth was blocked.

A tentacle reached out from the lump of mucus, which was only about the size of a fist, and blocked her mouth.


While in her underwear, Meltia\'s body went wild, her silvery-white hair shook.

Her legs did not move. When she let her upper body go wild, her ample breasts went up and down, left and right, even though they were supported by her underwear, it was entertaining the viewers.

Unfortunately, there were no men in the room.

The slime did not care about the obscenely large breasts and it extended new tentacles to Meltia.

She was on her buttocks and her arms that were supporting her upper body were entangled, and then it wrapped around her unrestrained leg.


Unbearable, Meltia screamed as much as she could from her closed mouth.

On the soft carpet, she was restrained in a "大" figure while wearing her underwear.

It moved between her legs, which were spread wide apart, toward the most secret part of Meltia, which were covered by her white underwear adorned with black lace.

Looking at it, the thing, which was only the size of a fist, expands to about half the height of Meltia.


Immediately, Meltia stared at the soft body and focused her attention on it.

Even though she had no experience in actual combat, Meltia was a magician at the academy and had inherited a strong talent for magic from her mother Leticia.

She was conjuring enough mana so that it would not blow up her room in an instant and focused her attention.

Her arms and legs were bound and wide open on the carpet, exposing her slender abdomen. Then a shimmer was created above it.

It was a compressed air bullet.

If she was serious her magic could blow up not only the room but also part of the castle, and she instinctively hesitated to use ice magic since she was practically naked right now.

She thought of the magic that would have the least impact on her, and the result was wind magic.

The bullet was released and blew away the lump of black mucus, but only partially.

Wind bullets were useless against slime, which was nothing but mucus, and it only blew off the top half of the slime. As soon as the blown part was slammed into the wall, it crawled across the floor and regenerated.

Meltia\'s eyes widened in astonishment.


The tentacles restraining Meltia stopped moving, as though they had temporarily ceased their activities due to the upper half of the slime being blown off.

She struggled to pull the tentacle off, but the slime regenerated faster than she thought.

It lifted Meltia up, who was lying on the carpet and it turned her large ass, wrapped in her underwear, toward the slime.

Her head turned toward the mirror, and she was forced to see what was happening behind her through the mirror. She was made to crawl on all fours in the air with her underwear and her buttocks stuck out.

Her cheeks were stained with shame, and the girl, who was not even familiar with sex, let alone men, felt a sense of dizziness.

A new tentacle stretched out toward her bountiful buttocks.

As Meltia watched the scene through the mirror―― the door of the room blew open.


With a sharp voice, the tentacles that were restraining Meltia have torn apart.

Meltia, who was suspended by the tentacles, let out a cry of pain as gravity pulled her down onto the carpet.

It was Leticia who ran into the room. She knew that Meltia had returned and was about to visit her room to talk a bit when she felt a flow of mana.

Her rage-tainted beauty glared at the mucus monster and tried to shoot it dead with her gaze alone.

The slime had no intention to feel fear, but it was more than enough to make the slime hesitate to extend its tentacles toward Leticia.

Meanwhile, Meltia fell onto the carpet and immediately was pulling off the tentacles that were wrapped around her limbs with her hands.

Rather than feeling uncomfortable, she was terrified of the situation of being in contact with this unidentifiable mucus.

However, she couldn\'t get rid of the mucus completely, and as she tried to do so, her body started to paralyze.

The fact that the tentacles were cut, caused it to secrete a paralyzing poison to at least incapacitate its victim.

"Damn you!!"

Leticia, enraged at the sight of her beloved daughter\'s sluggish movements, extended her right hand toward the slime.

The slime extended its tentacles to take Meltia hostage, but the tentacles were frozen from its tips before they reach Meltia.

If it was a slime, the most efficient way to neutralize it was to freeze it.

If she froze it like this, it would incapacitate the slime, and then she would burn it outside the castle, as it would not pose any collateral damage.

Leticia decided to do that and was freezing the slime while her thoughts burned with anger.

Just as Fiana had done before, but she was releasing magic, even more greater than Fiana\'s, the cold air froze the slime in an instant.

Resistance by mana was meaningless. There was a huge difference in mana between the slime born from Tiana and Freia in the sewers and Leticia.

However, this slime was not just any ordinary slime.

It released its compressed mass and shattered the frozen surface by itself, escaping from the restraints of freezing.


It was Leticia who was surprised.

The monster, which she thought she had completely frozen, expanded and revealed its huge body that swallowed half of Meltia\'s room.

Fortunately, Meltia was not caught up in that expansion.

Her body was paralyzed and she could not escape, but she was lying in a place where the slime could not reach her.

That moment.

The moment when Leticia was worried about her daughter.

The slime released over a dozen tentacles at once towards Leticia.


The tentacles that covered the entire area came at her at a speed that would be difficult for an ordinary knight to follow with their eyes, but before they could touch Leticia, they were frozen.

A cold barrier surrounded Leticia.

And it covered Meltia as well. Apart from herself, she could also put up a barrier for others.

How many magicians in the country could cast such a powerful barrier multiple times?

Even so, the slime released its tentacles, and just as it was about to unleash dozens or even over a hundred, Leticia\'s body leaned.

The barrier was set up around Leticia.

But that was only on the surface.

Underground―― there was no barrier under the floor of the royal castle.

Tiana...... It used a piece of knowledge from Leticia\'s maid, as the slime wrapped a tentacle of mucus around Leticia\'s left leg from underground.


Instead of an angry voice, she let out a cute scream.

And she was pulled upside down.

Her white skirt was flipped down, exposing her stockings, which were supported by her white garter belt. Her lace-wrapped high-legged underwear was also exposed.

The underwear was embroidered with flowers and was instantly recognizable as a high-class item.

Her thighs and calves were supple and tight, and the groin area and clitoris were showing through her underwear. That luxurious thin fabric was covering her secret parts.

The thin fabric of the underwear brought out the shape of the secret fleshy edges and highlighted the swelling on her secret area.

Leticia\'s cheeks flushed red at the bold exposure of her underwear, and she glared at the slime.

The slime would not be frightened by that, and it immediately secreted its paralyzing poison.

"Damn it!"

However, despite the paralyzing poison, Leticia froze the tentacle that wrapped around her legs, and she was immediately released.

When she looked at it, she saw that there was not even a blotch on her garter stockings, let alone a stain.

Like the cold barrier earlier, she also covered her body with an ultra-thin barrier.

"You\'re dead!"

Then, the slime floated in the air.

Every drop of mucus floated in the air and was blown out through the window in Meltia\'s room.

Leticia followed the slime out of the window and into the courtyard.

The slime realized that it could not win at this point, and was already retreating, not paying attention to Leticia.



Before it could escape, its entire body was engulfed in flames.

The slime, which had no organs to scream, flailed about, but its body gradually shrank.

The slime\'s rampage ignited some of the plants and flowers growing in the courtyard, but they were extinguished as soon as the slime burned out.

The nobles who had been watching from afar, the soldiers who had been standing at their posts, and the knights and magicians who could move quickly gathered in the courtyard.

While giving instructions to all of them one by one, Leticia took a moment to look up at the sky.

The night was coming.

The sun was setting, the stars and moon were already visible in the sky.

――She heard from the messenger that Fiana and the others already killed the monster in the abandoned mine.

But that was not the point.

The monsters that these women had brought were all over the castle town... Even the royal castle was already infiltrated.

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