Inside the Cave of Obscenity

Chapter Volume 1 23: Return

The carriage used by the knights of the Kingdom of Fonteau was reasonably good, but as it was made of wood, it couldn\'t help but creak slightly when it shook.

Inside the swaying carriage.

A woman whose clothes, skin, and even her once gloriously beautiful blonde hair were stained with mud was sitting next to a silver-haired, brown-skinned woman who was no taller than her chest.

Both of them wore simple clothes.

They were both former adventurers, but they had spent a long time in the abandoned mine, most of which were spent naked and being violated by the Black Ooze.

Their expressions were lacking in vigor, and their eyes were somewhat vacant.

They were so weak that they couldn\'t even put up any kind of resistance when Fiana and the others fought the Black Ooze.

That would be normal, Fiana thought.

No matter what that slime was, if they continued to be violated by the monsters in the abandoned mine, they would not be able to maintain their sane mind.

In particular, the monster not only violated the woman\'s body but also impregnated them and made them give birth to a monster child.

As a woman, she didn\'t think she would be able to stay sane in that kind of situation.

The two of them, exhausted and unkempt, huddled together with their hands bound by iron shackles and magic collars.

There was no sign that they were going to harm Fiana and the others just like before.

As Fiana watched them, she thought back at the battle in the abandoned mine.

Just like before, they had gone through the village at the foot of the mountain to get to the abandoned mine.

There was nothing unusual until they reached the abandoned mine.

She was wondering, if the slime that had eaten all the plants and animals around the abandoned mine, why did it not harm the people in the village at the foot of the mountain, it only touched a few livestock.

As for the reason, from what she heard, the first victim of the slime seemed to be one of the inhabitants of the village.

Maybe that victim\'s consciousness remained... Or it was just a whim.

The slime\'s behavior was not surprising if she understood some of it.

They all stick together and alertly searched the abandoned mine, and subdued the thing that was living in the deepest part of the mine.

Considering the losses Fiana had gone through the first time, this time it was quite disappointing.

They froze it, crushed it, and purified all of it with fire.

The reason they didn\'t return to the capital immediately after defeating it was because she wondered if that was really the end.

The elven knights who were with them said that it was just a slime, but Fiana and Alfira couldn\'t believe that it was just a slime.

So they searched the abandoned mine, killed every last slime, and then, still not satisfied, camped out in front of the mine for a day.

She was dismayed that she had gone too far, but she still felt a vague sense of unease in her heart that the problem was not yet over.

But there was nothing she could do about it.

What needs to be done was done.

They had already defeated the abominable monster and cleaned up as much as they could. All that was left was to return to the capital and report to the Queen.

Why did a monster like that was born? Why did it violate the women and impregnate them?

Most importantly, the demon king was supposed to be the only one who had the ability to create monsters, but how could a mere slime have a similar ability?

From now on, the scholars of the country would examine, analyze, and think about that kind of ability.

She hoped that a second or third Demon King would not appear.

There were no more heroes in this world.

Therefore, they must continue to make the first move to prevent a Demon King from appearing.

They have to destroy the monsters, get rid of the evil beforehand, and expand the human territory.

Then, the monsters would be eradicated from the world...... This world would belong to the people.

It was not going to happen overnight or right away.

It would take decades. It would take hundreds of years to achieve that ideal.

But still―― The slime, who could not even think, care about these two people?

It was true that there were no women in the village at the foot of the mountain where the abandoned mine was located.

However, there were several villages away from the abandoned mine, and many young women were living in those villages.

She wondered why it hadn\'t targeted those villages, but had instead carefully protected only these two adventurers, Frederica and Satia, at the deepest part of the abandoned mine.

They were in such a state that they couldn\'t even understand their language due to the violation, but they were still in good health.

She didn\'t even want to know what they were eating, but they were given food to eat and moderate exercise...... Perhaps the slime, Black Ooze, had some special feelings for these two?

She shook her head.

Fiana could not understand the monster\'s thoughts, so Fiana turned her gaze from the listless two women to the outside.

They were on their way home. The familiar scenery was still not visible, but in a few more days they would be able to return to the royal capital.

Then Fiana was wondering if she should take a break for a while.

She was tired.

Not physically, but mentally.

She thought it would be the same for Alfira, who was in the same carriage as her.

It was a mutation, but that was all she could think of, there was no guarantee that a similar monster would not appear again in the future.

This was a world without a demon king. Is that why monsters were evolving into new beings?

Thinking about it, Fiana shook her head again. Her rich silver hair swayed along with her movement.

That would be a nightmare.

A monster born from a human womb... It was horrible just to imagine it.

As she was thinking about it, she suddenly felt that the woman who had been living in the abandoned mine― the woman who had attacked them before, but who was now exhausted both physically and mentally after being violated endlessly―― was looking at her.


Fiana felt her gaze and called her name for the first time since the battle in the abandoned mine.

Ever since they were detained in that abandoned mine, until today, the male knights were the ones watching over the two.

The reason was that Fiana and Alfira, who had been attacked once before, were uneasy, but now she thought that it may have been because that Fiana and Alfira, also both women, would feel sad towards the two.

The appearance of Frederica and Satia... they couldn\'t feel their vigor.

They look as though they could die at any moment.

However, they could still hear their breathing, so they were probably conscious.

When she called her name, Frederica turned her blue eyes, which expressed her strength before, to Fiana. It was now cloudy without light.

The murky eyes were very deep and had a darkness to them, as though she was peeking into the abyss.

When she looked into her eyes, she was horrified. A cold feeling ran down her spine.

It was even colder than when she was in the abandoned mine, facing the abominable Black Ooze.

Fiana hurriedly averted her gaze from Frederica, as though refusing to understand what it was.

She was aware that her heartbeat was in turmoil. The palpitations were fast and short, and her heart was beating fast.

Fiana put her hand on her chest, which was disproportionately rich for her short stature. She let out a small sigh, as she confirmed her heart\'s thumping, and then let it drown out by the sound of the carriage.

Frederica didn\'t take her eyes off Fiana.

Fiana, who was sensitive to it, noticed that she was looking at her from the corner of her eye.

The coachman of the carriage was Alfira. Several other male knights were riding on the back of the carriage.

They also seemed to be looking sideways at the lifeless Frederica and Satia, as though they were interested in them, but they averted their gaze when they saw their weak eyes.


If they had to put it into words, that would be the best way to describe it.

Even though they were a living person, they had a presence like that of a ghost. They were alive, but they look like dead people. The reason why they felt that way was probably that their skin was stained, their hair was muddy, and their expressions were devoid of emotion.

It was like a human-sized doll...... It was a bad analogy, but no matter what they did to them―― no matter how roughly they treated them―― they would not scream.

The atmosphere between Frederica and Satia was so strange that not only Fiana and Alfira, who were of the same sex, but also the strong elven knights, were creeped out and avoided eye contact with the two.

Seeing that, Fiana sighed.

She wondered what would be the best action when dealing with adventurers.

"You don\'t seem to be feeling well, are you okay?"

She asked in a gentle tone of voice.

Frederica, with her hollow eyes, looked back at Fiana\'s eyes, as though to respond to her voice.

Dark eyes that seemed to have lost all their emotion.

Was it because the Black Ooze that had violated her―― the one who had taught and given her inhuman pleasures―― was dead?

And Satia, who had been thinking of her late master in the Black Ooze, did not even respond to Fiana\'s voice.

With her head resting on Fredrica\'s ample chest, she was gazing in front of her without moving, as though she had forgotten to even blink.

There was no one or nothing in her line of sight.

The two did not reply to Fiana\'s voice.

They didn\'t even move. Only Frederica responded to her voice by her gaze, but that was it.

That time. If she had been trapped by the Black Ooze and had not been able to escape.

She wondered if she and Alfira would have become like this. Fiana thought that the fear she felt when she looked into Frederica\'s eyes must have been that.

Because this state of theirs could have been hers too if that had happened.

Being violated and damaged. Even if she asked for help, she would not escape, despairing, broken...... accepting the pleasure that was not of this world.

Once she accepted it, she would not be able to live without it.

She felt so good, and she was moaning uncontrollably... Even if she cried for help, it forced the pleasure on them.

It was a pleasure unknown even to Fiana, who had lived for a long time, and it was a pleasure of being tormented that she, a strong knight, could never experience in her life.

She was treated roughly. The only thing that was new to her, and the most important thing was that she didn\'t think that she would ever experience that again.

That was why Fiana averted her gaze from them.

She was helplessly afraid to put herself in their shoes.

So she sighed to get the thought out of her mind and closed her eyes for a few seconds to think about something else.

She thought about Frederica and Satia when she first met them.

When they met before, they could still speak words. They were able to communicate with each other, and they had the light of reason in their eyes, and they were able to communicate―― with their bodies.

But now it was difficult.

Fiana averted her gaze from Frederica. Frederica also turned her gaze to Satia, who was leaning her weight against her, as though she knew that she could not speak to her anymore.

Fiana, who had looked away, didn\'t notice.

The male knights, who couldn\'t bear to look at the two painful figures, didn\'t even notice.

The two women\'s faces were expressionless, their bodies moving slightly as the carriage rocked.

However, they had their hands on their stomachs, bound with shackles to keep them from resisting.

It was as though they were caressing a precious treasure. As though caring for it. As though loving it.

They stroked their abdomens.

Slowly. Gently. With love.

Fiana and Alfira knew.

They knew that the Black Ooze could impregnate a woman.

However, they thought it would be better to think about it after they returned to the capital.

She and Alfira had been violated once. If they had sex with it, they would give birth to a child, and the child would be born not as a human being but as a slime.

However, once the semen in the vagina was properly disposed of, they were fine and nothing happened to them.

That was what they both thought. The fact was, what the reality was, it was a dream.

That time. They didn\'t know that they were moaning in the infirmary on the royal castle when they were asleep.

And now, there were multiple knights around.

They thought that they could deal with any unforeseen circumstances, so it didn\'t matter if they had the Black Ooze\'s child in their bellies.

In fact, she even wanted to return to the capital without the male knights noticing their condition.

That was a mistake.

They would find out the reason soon enough.

As they patted their abdomens.

The two of them stroked their abdomens with their arms, which had become soft and feminine due to the lack of training since they were being held captive by the Black Ooze in the abandoned mine.

Arms with soft fat, slightly swollen thighs, and an abdomen with just enough flesh to not be sloppy.

In contrast to their facial expression, their body, which had become more glossy and attractive, had a shadowy atmosphere that would make them promising prostitutes in the brothels of the capital, Fiana thought so.

However, Fredrica and Satia caressed their abdomen that had grown in luster. They had gained flesh and fat, and most importantly, a slightly tight abdomen.

While loving the tension, they looked at their abdomens with hollow eyes.


For the first time.

Satia opened her mouth for the first time since they were \'kidnapped\' from the abandoned mine.

The voice was so weak that it was drowned out by the sound of the carriage. A small voice, like that of a small bird.

Hearing Satia\'s voice up close, Frederica\'s lips twisted.

She smiled crookedly and laid her cheek against Satia\'s head as she puts her weight on her.

The hair that appeared in front of her did not have a strange smell that she had smelled endlessly in the abandoned mine.

However, Satia\'s warmth and softness reminded Frederica of that incident at the abandoned mine.

It was the same for Satia, whose body warmth and softness reminded her of being held by her beloved master in the abandoned mine.

The two of them need each other.

With each other, they could remember. They could keep thinking about it.

That pleasure. That happiness.

And the future of living together with the "master" who would be born in the near future.


Satia smiled as she stroked her beloved child inside her belly.

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