Ocean Master

Chapter 62 - System Clue.

As soon as Sebastian started swimming through the water, into the deeper parts of the seamount, he did not forget to activate his always reliable skill, his advanced electroreceptors.

The deep background color of red in his surroundings which was of extreme contrast to his previous hunting ground made him feel unaccustomed to it.

As he swam, he suddenly stopped as he saw his system notification flash before his eyes.

[Due to your having reached the threshold of Level 10, you have unlocked a unique clue from the system.]

[Do you wish to access the unique clue now?]

Seeing this, he was stunned for a moment. "The heck! I actually forgot about this due to the euphoria brought by evolution".

He felt an urge to facepalm but he suddenly remembered that he was now a shark, making him feel a little awkward. Putting that behind him, he thought to the clue of the system.

Apart from the basic Oceania information that the system shared with him when he first came to this world, this was the first time that the system was giving him a clue.

Now, he felt curious about it. "Yes, give me the clue".


[System Clue: Unique Skills are an embodiment power of this world formed by the Origin essence in each of the 7 Seas.]

[In Total, there are 7 unique skills, and each of them, except the Water Transmutation that you currently have, are owned by the Sea Kings.]

[For you to get access to other unique skills, you have to kill the corresponding Sea King and assimilate its magic essence.]

[You have unlocked a mission: Unique Skill Hunter!]

[Mission Details: Find and hunt down any of the Sea Kings to get their corresponding unique skill.]

[Mission Reward: Skill points and Adaptation points shall be given according to host\'s level when he completes the mission, and clues on how to get stronger will be given to host.]

Seeing this, Sebastian was pleasantly surprised. He was already fantasizing about himself getting other unique skills, but he didn\'t even know that another unique skill existed before now.

And not only did they exist, but he also had the ability to assimilate others, which meant that he could wield other unique abilities like the Water Transmutation skill.

Thinking of this fact alone left him breathless. "Holy Moly! I think I\'m really a protagonist by the way things are going".

He was as shocked as he was excited about this discovery. The mission addition was the cream on top of the cherry to him, he felt giddy from this clue.

"System, you\'re awesome".

He really felt like doing a happy dance right now to celebrate this extremely valuable clue, but once again he remembered that he was a shark.

This clue directly inflated the ambition in him that he\'s been trying hard to suppress since his arrival to this world.

Though he always tried to hide his true feelings by the fact that he was happy with getting to dissect more peculiar and strange sea creatures in this world, he knew that he had other ambitions.

It was impossible for a human like him to not feel any curiosity or fear when he was suddenly reincarnated into a world filled with only water.

Since transmigrating into this world, he always had that silent ambition in his heart to know the mysteries of this world.

He was not satisfied with just being a spectator who passively watched.

Not only did he want to know the mysteries of this world, but he also wanted to how he was reincarnated, he wanted to know the power that reincarnated him, he wanted to know who reincarnated him, he wanted to know a lot of things.

These were his basic curiosity as a human, but the only problem was that he didn\'t dare probe too much because of his lacking strength.

From the little examples that he already experienced in this world; he knew that he needed strength for everything. He knew that if he decided to settle for less one day, that day would be the day he died.

That was why he was happy, he was confident that with more unique skills, he would have the power that he needed to probe at the secrets of this world.

And yes, to dissect more sea creatures too, that could not be excluded.

As he fantasized about himself wielding all 7 unique skills and spreading terror across the 7 Seas, even to the humans of Atlantis according to the system that ruled this world, he discovered another problem.

Those that wielded the unique skills, the system addressed them as Sea Kings. Thinking deeper into that fact alone left him chuckling dryly to himself.

"Is this actually a suicide mission? I\'m not part of the suicide squad".

No matter how stupid he was, he knew that a sea creature qualified to be called a Sea King in this world was something that the current him didn\'t want to encounter at all.

And who knew if they could devour his unique skill too. To be exact, this clue from the system now made him warier about this world.

He didn\'t want to wake up one day only to be crushed to death by a war hammer magical manifestation.

"That would suck". He lampooned.

Despite this slight problem that he discovered; he was still super satisfied by the clue from the system. At least, he now had a goal to strive towards.

"Now, Sebastian, it\'s time to hunt and eat meat".


He jolted in shock due to the sudden sound before looking into the distance.

Seeing the fluctuations of what would be nothing else other than an ongoing battle, his face became weird. "Don\'t tell me that prey here are so eager to become my food".

"Well, that\'ll be nice".

[You have activated skill: Triple Reverse Swim.]

Carefully and silently, he activated this skill and started swimming forwards, following the vibrations in the water to locate where the commotion was coming from.

The seamount just like a real mountain had trees and stubborn weeds, the only difference was that they were all red with tyrannical vitality, and the trees towered into the sky like skyscrapers.

As he moved, Sebastian noticed an oddity. He would be quickly discovered due to his skin color that was in contrast to the surrounding redness.

He was not stumped though; he had a solution this time.

[You have triggered Adaptation: Camouflage Organ.]

Immediately, he felt a cool feeling like a fluid was seeping into his veins to access his skin pores. As this happened, his skin color slowly changed from its default dark blue to a dark red color.

In moments, he was now a red great white shark, easily blending with his surroundings. Seeing this, he felt like grinning.

He finally entered assassin mode.

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