Ocean Master

Chapter 63 - Sonic Disaster!


As Sebastian got closer, the sound of the ongoing battle also became more prominent. The surrounding water was stirred rapidly, spreading the vibrations of the commotion to great distances.

Seeing this, he was once again speechless.

"Are you guys so eager to die?" He cursed.

This made him even more cautious as he swam forward. He was pretty sure that tons of other predators were already alerted to the commotion of this battle, and some may already be here.

Courting death was a talent, he secretly marveled at the identity of the 2 fools who already mastered this innate talent.

Silently weaving in between the red trees that blocked his path, he finally arrived at a location where he saw the 2 fellows who were battling so hard like a man and his ex-girlfriend who was throwing a tantrum.

"A Giant Crab and a..., Worm?"

He easily identified both parties, but his understanding of this world was once again overturned by the sight.

One of the battling predators was the Giant Crab that he was already accustomed to after facing a few of its kind, the only difference was that this one was far bigger than the normal.

For the opponent, it was a gigantic Worm that defied everything known as Science. For a moment there, Sebastian felt like he was hallucinating for real.

The Giant Worm\'s huge body slithered across the top of the seamount like a snake, two claw-like adaptations extended out of its upper body like a pair of hooked teeth as it attacked the crab below it viciously with this.

The Giant Crab was much more compact and smaller than it was, but this did not lower how dangerous it was at it attacked viciously with its pair of claws.

At this moment, these 2 predators were embroiled in a fierce battle.

Grinding metallic sounds reverberated through the water as the Worm\'s claw-like adaptations ground at its opponent\'s thick shell, while the claws of the Crab stabbed into its flesh.

At this moment, both parties were already severely injured but they did not stop nor did they even contemplate stopping.

Seeing these 2 juicy preys that were begging to be killed, Sebastian salivated but did not attack immediately. He wanted to wait, follow the changes in the battle, and make the right decision before attacking.

He felt the urge to go showcase his new skills, but a powerhouse got to chill and act like a powerhouse, not a charlatan.

Pumping himself with that and finding it reasonable, he hovered silently in the water like an assassin predator, stalking both preys for the right moment.

Sebastian did not have to wait long. Just about 2 minutes later, a new predator arrived on the battlefield, a strange sea creature that looked like an amalgamation of a Sea Lion and a Crocodile.


Seeing the ongoing battle, this newcomer did not hesitate to join in the show.

In moments, the battle situation became more chaotic. And just a few seconds after this new fellow arrived, 2 other Giant Worms drilled out of the seamount and joined the battle.

Seeing all these, Sebastian decided that it was enough lest the battle attracted too many predators. This was the perfect time to act.

And he already observed some details from his hiding point, the Giant Crab and strange Sea Lion creature had more brute strength, while the Giant Worm\'s claws had poison in them.

As soon as the 2 new Giant Worms came out, without hesitation, they bit down with their claw-like adaptation at the Giant Crab who was now the center of attention.


As this sound reverberated from the crab, Sebastian acted.

[You have activated skill: Sonic Reflection.]

Immediately, the echoes of the grinding roar of pain were stopped in mid-air by an invisible force, then they were amplified before hitting back more aggressively at the 5 predators on the battlefield.

[You have dealt an AOE magic domain skill: You have inflicted your opponents with the dizzy status.]

Sebastian took advantage of this, activated his dash skill, and rushed out of his hiding point. Before the nearest Giant Worm could recover, he activated his Shredding Bite skill and bit down with force.

The Giant Worm felt the vibrations but it could not react fast enough, all it saw was a red monster rushing towards it before the enormous maws clasped down on it.


[You have inflicted staggering damage to your opponent.]

[You have applied Vampire Effect to your prey: -8 Damage for 10 seconds.]

[You have killed a mutated Poison Worm- Level 13: You have gained Experience.]

[You have gained 4 Skill points and 5 Adaptation points.]

In just one bite, Sebastian\'s now outrageous strength empowered his teeth power so much that the Giant Worm died from just one bite.

For a moment, a strange silence reigned in the small battlefield as the other predators looked over in shock. They couldn\'t believe that one of them was able to die so easily.

When they saw the red great white shark, their natural instinct urged them to attack but for some reason, they felt a deep fear emanate from their hearts, prompting them to feel like running for their life.

[You have activated skill: Cardiac Sphincter Constrictor.]

[You have inflicted your opponents with Fear!]

[You have activated skill: Battering Ram.]

Taking advantage of their moment of fear and stiffness, Sebastian rammed straight into the nearby predator who was once again another Giant Worm.

Boom! Crack!

The Giant Worm made a squeaking noise in pain as the ramming collision spread damages through its body, making it curl up in pain, making sounds like its body was strangely shattering like a mirror.

The shockwaves from the battering ram spread to the surrounding water rapidly, affecting the other predators in the process.


Sebastian viciously bit again, and he secured his 2nd kill in less than 10 seconds since he dashed into the battlefield.

Perhaps, it was because of the shockwaves of his ram into the Giant Worm, but the other predators finally recovered from the innate effect of fear that originally gripped their hearts.

The remaining Giant Worm immediately reacted as web-like magic lines sizzling with fire appeared in the air; this was a strange Silk magic with fire attributes.

As it attacked with the silk to restrain the powerful predator who intruded into their battle, the Giant Crab suddenly covered itself with fire magic, covering its body in the blazing fire as it rushed at Sebastian.

For the strange Sea Lion that somehow had characteristics of a Crocodile, its rows of teeth started glinting in an ominous red light as it charged at the red shark.

Sebastian did not panic on seeing this, he calmly turned his huge body and reacted appropriately to curb this mindless charge.

[You have activated skill: Sonic Drill.]

[You have activated skill: Water Cyclone.]

The vibrations in the water surface suddenly converged together under the control of the sound magic domain. They compressed to form what looked like an illusory drill, then it shot outwards.


The drill moved at the speed of sound, giving the Sea Lion no time to react as it dug into its brain like a bullet, destroying all its brain juice in the process and splattering blood everywhere.

It didn\'t die immediately, but it was now hovering at the point dividing life and death as a large hole was now inside its head.

It was at this moment that the vibrations in the water were stirred again, then a water cyclone was rapidly formed before the fiery Giant Crab got to Sebastian\'s location.

The Water Cyclone pushed the Giant Crab back, then its AOE damage finished the uncompleted job with the Sea Lion.

[You have repelled your opponent- dealing damage in the process.]

[You have killed a Tyrannosaurus Sea Lion- Level 12: You have gained Experience.]

[You have gained 3 Skill points and 5 Adaptation points.]

Seeing this, the Giant Crab and the last Giant Worm finally came to their senses, revealing horrified expressions at this apex predator.

Without hesitation, they both turned to escape.

Sebastian instinctively decided to go in pursuit but something held him down. He felt the magic silk floating in the water tie him up, firmly wrapping and holding his fin in place.

[A magic skill has been used on you: Silk Chains.]

He simply shook his now enormous body, and he was able to escape the influence of the skill with sheer brute strength.

He was about to go in pursuit again when he discovered another predator who was originally hiding in the dark.

He knew this predator, he\'s clashed with them before.

"Dragon Fireflies!"

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