Ocean Master

Chapter 276 - Overriding The Inheritance Ground!

"All deep delvers, listen to my command!"

"Override the rules of the inheritance ground!"

These 2 commands were all that the special unit of cyborg soldiers needed to get on a high! This was because their genetic and biological make-up was made up for this, they were made to override the rules of inheritance grounds. 

As soon as this order was given, they gave a lot of clues to all the Atlantian soldiers who were patched onto this communication channel.

To the ordinary soldiers, they knew that they finally entered the most critical period. Despite all the effort that they put in, despite all the time spent on planning, they were unable to get their hands on their ultimate goal.

Now, they could only resort to flipping the board to change the game.

The normal soldiers, including the exceptional higher-ups like Captain Omega who were still digesting their gains from this inheritance ground, started adjusting their mindset to the mighty clash that was about to unfold.

After the order was given, verified, and it settled in, instantly, no matter where they were in the inheritance ground, even if they were still stuck in a virtual-reality domain, the deep delvers reacted.

These cyborg soldiers all kneeled, granting themselves a firmer center of gravity as their stomachs opened up, revealing numerous mechanical circuits as optimized wires extended out of their stomachs into the atmosphere.

At this moment, these cyborgs looked more like aliens than like variant humans. Their meticulously wired bodies made them look just too alien to be real.

These long wires seemed to connect to an unknown energy reactor that was hidden deep in the atmosphere, then the energy inside these cyborg soldiers was overloaded the next moment.

In just a few seconds, this berserk energy peaked!

The bodies of all the cyborg soldiers started glowing an ominous bright blue color! Their eyes sparkled red, their hair turned as sharp as needles, their faces turned purple as all this overloaded energy converged in their stomach before being released.

The release was not normal, the force of release and other parameters were so high that this purely technological energy took on a different element.

This energy took on a magical form!

In physics, the threshold frequency is defined as the minimum frequency of incident radiation before which the photoelectric emission is not possible completely, irrespective of the intensity of incident radiation.

In simpler terms, the threshold frequency must be exceeded before photoelectricity takes place. The transformation here was similar.

The inheritance ground had a threshold energy limit that needed to be exceeded before radical changes could be made to the make-up of the inheritance.

Originally, the Sea King\'s will was in charge of this job of regulating the threshold energy limit and making it as unbreakable as possible. 

But the dissipation of the will reduced the requirements for this by a large margin, this was why Lieutenant Colonel Arachnid gave his orders.

At this moment, by turning their mechanical energy magical, these cyborgs were able to pool their strength together, exceeding the normal sum of their parts as they were finally able to exceed the inheritance\'s threshold energy limit.

Instantly, a loud rupturing sound reverberated. 

The threshold energy limit of the inheritance ground was exceeded as a lot of changes took place in milliseconds. The world seemed to shake as it seemed like the world was coming to an end.

A hole was ruthlessly torn through the sturdy defenses of the inheritance ground, this hole was like the appearance of a bug in a programmed code, and it was the fatal opening in the defense of the inheritance ground.


Still, inside the virtual-reality domain where he was stuck as a worm, Lieutenant Colonel Arachnid suddenly released strength as his aura of dominance swept through the domain like a raging storm.

It took a few seconds, but when everything settled down, this Atlantian Lieutenant Colonel regained his form as an Atlantian soldier.

After enduring this torture for 7 days, Lieutenant Colonel Arachnid was back!

By taking advantage of the forceful act of the deep delvers, he managed to get back control over his strength due to the lessened restrictions of the inheritance ground which enabled him to complete this feat.

His forceful act tore a deeper rift through the threshold defenses of the inheritance ground. Captain Omega and all the other powerful Atlantians did the same thing, then the inheritance ground\'s defense finally crumbled completely.

But before the inheritance ground could implode from within due to the extremely fractured foundation energy, a countermeasure automatically activated.

Every non-obligated competitor was yanked out of the inheritance ground!

Obligated competitors were those benefactors like Tungsten and Sebastian, who through their benefits got the right opportunity to breakthrough.

Breaking through takes time, energy, and a measure of luck. One of the core rules of the inheritance ground was to provide the perfect environment for a breakthrough for these special cases.

Sebastian and all the obligated competitors were taken to the still relatively intact core of the inheritance ground, while the non-obligated competitors who survived all the ordeals were expelled!


The great battle at the border was still raging fiercely!

Even though the Atlantians and their allies may have already gotten the treasure, the other bitter variant human races were highly unwilling to let them enjoy the treasure, they sought to make life more bitter for them.

The battle was still fierce, extremely fast-paced, and full of destructive potential as the soldiers of all these races sought to prove the superiority of their race through this decisive battle.

"Commander, you can now enter the game!"

Somewhere deep in the formation of warships, where destructive beams flew randomly, with warships occasionally falling apart and soldiers dying constantly, an inconspicuous warship hovered.

Against the run of play in this fast-paced battlefield, this warship was able to maneuver with the rest and not participate while remaining pristine.

Inside this warship, Commander T.Y received the communicated message.

"Hmm, I still need to intervene Afterall". This Commander sighed.

Commander T.Y was different from other Atlantian Commanders who commanded warships, he was special.

Unlike the majority of the others, he was a commissioned navy Commander of the Atlantian military who had the privilege of commanding an Annihilator!

In terms of individual strength, Commander T.Y was only as strong as Staff Sergeant Barnes but his military authority was higher than that of Lieutenant Colonel Arachnid who just communicated with him.

Unlike his counterparts, he was part of a special group of soldiers who were trained with the main goal of piloting one of the Atlantis exclusive Annihilators!

As one of the variant human races which still held some of the most intact histories of their old heritage and origin, Atlantis knew of earth and its strongest nation navy fleets with their powerful frigates and destroyers.

Though in Oceania, they developed more, Atlantis still decided to replicate the feats of their ancestors by creating the Annihilators.

These powerful beasts of technology and magic were created with the navy Destroyers of old earth as the base blueprint. With this, this advanced race was able to create a marginally stronger warship.

The Annihilator warship lines were the strongest feat of Atlantian technology, and they were the hopes to matching the tyrannical power of beasts.

Commander T.Y was one of the few who graduated from the numerous chosen to become a grand Commander of a real Annihilator!

With special implants dedicated to facilitating command, his genius, and meticulous brain, including his years of training and experience, Commander T.Y earned his keep as the commander of an Annihilator.

With the call for him to enter the game already given, Commander T.Y no longer tarry. Under his commands, the Annihilator woke up from its slumber.


This metal beast finally took action and rapidly accelerated from the border.

Another warship followed shortly after, this was the reinforcement warship of the Dark Elf Race, and this specific warship was also one of the Dark Elves\' trump cards, they no longer held back.

The battle for the unique skill already took a rapid turn.


A huge space rift suddenly tore open above the seamount where the Doppelganger and Invisibility Sea King\'s inheritance ground was located.

After a wait of days that seemed like weeks to a specific predator, its eyes finally glowed like fire was burning in them as the inheritance ground\'s doors were finally opened wide again though forcefully this time.

These orange, glowing predatory eyes burned with passion, greed, and desire.


The first group of survivors finally came out.

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