Ocean Master

Chapter 277 - A Tripartite Hegemonic Balance!

The first group of survivors that came out of the inheritance ground was not Atlantian soldiers, they were mutated beasts.

As a veteran race that already had a mountain of book compilations on inheritance grounds, the Atlantian army already scripted the best reactions that soldiers were to exhibit in different situations.

The reason for their not coming out first was not complicated, it was simply because coming out first would draw the ire of the enemies.

Not all the mutated beasts that came for the inheritance ground after being attracted by their unrelenting desire were able to access inside it.

Some came after the entrance to the inheritance ground was already closed, others simply couldn\'t put up a good enough fight when the battle to enter the inheritance ground started, the scenarios were too numerous to count.

What this meant was that while the lucky ones were able to enjoy the privilege of accessing the riches of the inheritance ground, the others could only stay outside, resentfully watching as the opportunity was devoured before them.

For 2 weeks, they suffered this torture.

This torture successfully bred extremist beasts with warped personalities. Their only logic and motivation for living now was since we could not get it, let\'s share it or die together and gain nothing!

They had nothing to lose, so they went with it.

As soon as the first group of survivors was expelled out of the inheritance ground, they were shocked as they came under the attack of their furious counterparts who were unable to enjoy the privileges that they enjoyed.

The numerous resentful mutated beasts were like the sand in a desert, they filled every part of the seamount as they rushed towards their archenemies with hate and greed radiating from their eyes.

The surviving mutated beasts were not annihilated immediately though, every single one of these beasts that managed to survive till now was powerful in their own right and were tempered even more by the challenges of the inheritance.

Though they could not enter the domain for the last test at the end which was the main reason for their survival, the other gains that they enjoyed from the first and second test alone were substantial enough to satisfy them.

This meant that every single one of them came out of the inheritance ground stronger after taking the augments that they benefited from the inheritance. This meant that their situation was not completely hopeless yet.

Originally, if the situation continued like this, they had a certain chance of keeping their lives long enough to escape, but this was not all.

Not only the good for nothing mutated beasts were unable to access the inheritance ground, but it was also far more complicated than that. 

There was an even more terrifying group of beasts that could not access inside it, these predators were simply here for their due course and nothing else. 

They were like tyrants taking protection fees from travelers going through their territory, and their astonishing strength meant that none of the travelers dared to question their motives.

After patiently waiting for 2 weeks, prudently curbing the desire and the predatory instinct in him that burned like a torch in his heart, the Rogue Snake Overlord\'s patience finally paid its weight in gold.

In all inheritances set up by Black tier predators, there was a restriction to the tier of predators that could access the inheritance ground.

Inheritance grounds were created to get young and promising inheritors who could further the ambitions of the dead predator, not old fossils.

This was why one of the core rules of most Black tier inheritance grounds was restricting the intrusion of red and other black tier predators, this was the reason why this powerful overlord beast had to wait.

Its wait was not in vain though, once these predators came out, his patience paid and he could finally harvest the benefits that followed.

"Special Skill: Black Hole of Extraction!"

The Rogue Snake Overlord could singlehandedly annihilate all the beasts that came out of the inheritance and were before it, but he did not do so as he had other plans in mind for these survivors.

Once he moved, he moved with a motive in mind.

His enormous body was so huge that it towered intimidatingly above the other predators. Suppressing them with size already, this predator\'s skill worked wonders as the shocked survivors suddenly started feeling their strength draining.

These survivors spent about 2 weeks in the inheritance ground, which meant that it was probably later on that they started benefiting from the riches of the inheritance ground.

Some time may have passed already, but there was a slight chance that these beasts had still not completely digested the wonderful goods that they devoured.

The Rogue snake\'s skill was to extract these tiny undigested goodies, converging them to form his own goody. This was a means for him to escape the limitations of the inheritance ground and to also benefit.

Just the appearance of a Red tier predator changed the paradigms of this struggle, it already exceeded the level that most of the beasts here could cope with.

The best decision at this moment was to escape and safeguard their lives, but before they could finalize their decisions, the second group of survivors was finally expelled out of the inheritance ground.

This second group comprised of the strongest that took the test of the inheritance ground, most notably the Atlantians, the predators of the Toad Alliance, the Turtle Confraternity, and small predator groups like Old Maks\'.

Unlike the predators of the first group that were expelled, these beasts of nature were not only stronger, but they also came out with much more loot and therefore were significantly more appealing to the Rogue Snake Overlord.

Before the terrifying Red tier serpent could move though, the Atlantian soldiers rapidly converged together before forming a large defensive perimeter that they reinforced with numerous shield generators.

The Atlantian soldiers entered the inheritance ground, but they left their fleet behind. As soon as they appeared, the warships that were still in use were piloted by their crew as they went to defend their patrons.

The Atlantians were not the only group that moved, the others were already divided as they separated into distinct factions.

The surviving predators of the Toad Alliance and the Turtle Confraternity formed a group, rogue clans like Old Mak\'s shark clan formed theirs, while the lone predators in the group simply fended for themselves which they were good at.

This formation of factions took only a few seconds, and this was when the Rogue Snake Overlord finally moved.

This predator\'s ultimate goal was also the unique skill, the only perplexity was that his senses could not detect the lucky one who got this ultimate treasure.

He simply decided that the best way to find out was to attack them all.


As soon as the Rogue Snake Overlord moved, every mutated beast and Atlantian in this vicinity felt like they were facing their nemesis, death faced them directly in the face but before the collision, another intruder emerged.

Ancestor Horamon of the Turtle Confraternity finally arrived!

As soon as this gigantic catastrophe of nature appeared, the enormous Turtle swept his sharp gaze across the battlefield as they stabbed daggers at whoever stood at its path.

This deadly cultist\'s eyes were filled with desire, a desire that burned deep and made him look identical to the equally frenzied Rogue Snake Overlord.

Both dangerous predators\' similar goals aligned.

In tacit understanding, both predators refrained from restricting themselves, benefiting first was the priority. Fighting and exhausting themselves when many fries that could take advantage of their weakness were here was plain stupidity.

Boom! Boom!

The Rogue Snake Overlord\'s attack was not stopped, it only got complimented by the terrifying attack of the cultist Turtle as 2 loud booms of destruction reverberated across the seamount.

Hundreds of mutated beasts and Atlantians died from the attack.

While the beasts roared in fear at the tyrannical strength that was being exhibited by these 2 predators, only 2 factions in this battlefield were calm, the Atlantians and the allied force of the Toad Alliance and the Turtle Confraternity.

The beasts of the beast organizations were calm because the mighty Ancestor Horamon was on their side, while the Atlantians were calm because of another reason, they simply focused on protecting themselves.

These 2 powerful beasts could only rampage for a limited time though, this was because a powerful third-party finally arrived.

After taking its time, the Annihilator warship that was being commanded by Commander T.Y of the Atlantian military finally arrived.

With the bombastic arrival of the Annihilator, a Tripartite Hegemonic balance seemed to have been formed as all other factions in this battlefield were relegated to the side, becoming canon fodders in this mighty battle.

Blood and glory beckoned in the struggle for benefits!

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